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Mercury Jane

The walls are closing in
I want to ran away
I want to cry and scream to be let out
But you need me

I forgot you had so much power over me
It that need that keeps me here
You need me and I can’t help but stay
It that comfort and trust
Even after every thing went wrong

When I walked away and needed space
You never said a word
I was so angry and confused
I didn’t trust anyone including you

I needed space
And you let me walk away
And never said a word

You didn’t know if I would come back
And neither did I

When all the pain and hurt cleared
I knew one thing
I needed you more than I like to admit

I came back
The trust came back quicker than expected
Every day I draw back a little less when I call you my best friend

We lost something that can never be reclaimed
But something new is forming in its place

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