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The Revenge of Mr. Ducky
Mercury Jane

Mr. Ducky was a very sad little duck. When he was a little duckling he's parents were killed by some ugly ass redneck hunter who ran them over with his vomit green colored Mac truck. After Mr. Ducky graduated from Ducky College, he married Miss Ducky and had two lovely ducklings. Two years after the last Ducky duckling was born there was a tragic accident. Ms. Ducky and the two ducklings were flying along over the swamp during hunting season. Sitting down in the swamp at this time was our ugly ass redneck hunter with his big black shiny gun sitting in his lap? At the sight of Ms. Ducky and the ducklings the redneck picks up his gun and he splattered Ms. Ducky and the ducklings. Guts were flying everywhere. Mr. Ducky happened to be swimming near by when he hear the shot from the redneck's gun. He looked up just in time to see his wife and ducklings plumaged to the surface of the water. Then came the roaring laughter of the redneck.

"I killed three ducks with one shot. Damn am I good shot."

Mr. Ducky was so infuriated by the redneck's comment that he walked right over to the redneck and said, "How dare you kill innocent animals like my wife and children. They never did a thing to you and blow them to bits."

The redneck was so shocked by a talking duck that all he could say was "A talking duck. I'm going to be rich. I can have him put on The Tonight Show or maybe I'll . . .

As the redneck babbled on about how he would prompted Mr. Ducky, Mr. Ducky picked up the redneck's gun, and tried to aim it for the redneck's head but was a bit to short to aim that high so the gun end up pointing between the redneck's legs. Mr. Ducky pulled back the trigger back and the Redneck lost his man hood.

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