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Best Friend Betrayal
Mercury Jane

My best friend lied to me. Technically she isn’t my best friend. She hasn’t been for months. Strange how quickly a situation can totally change. I don’t know why I keep calling her my best friend. I think I may be delusional.

She has always claimed that I was more important than any guy. For god sakes, she wrote that in my annual a week ago. The truth is I come second to her short lived relationships with guys. It’s sad to realize that someone can throw you away so easily.

Of course, I can’t get away from her, either. I’ve tried. The last time I tried to leave, all I ended up doing was crying and begging her to leave me along a specially after she got tired of the boyfriend of the week. I can’t go thought that again, so I have to wait and keep my mouth shut till I can escape her. Time passes to slowly.

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