Trouble's Page..
Welcome To Trouble's Page !!

Double The Trouble
I was born on March 18th, 1999
Whis means I am a Pisces.
This picture that my new Mommy took of me,
I am only 8 weeks old..
But I am growing fast,
because I wolf down 4 meals in one day..

Below you will see my new pics of me all grown up !

Puppy Love
Warm places, Familiar smells,
We're near sleep.I look at you,So calm and serene,I smile,And turn off the light.
The baleful eyes look up at me,
I oft times wonder,
what do they see.
The furrowed brow, the graying hair,
Or do they see how much I care.
This place, the smells,
the sounds he hears,
In one so small must bring great fear.
A new adventure here to behold.
No task too big, no place too dark.
He'll challenge all with his loud bark.
By sniffing, licking, with a chew,
He'll soon discover all that's new.
He's tired now time for a nap,
A furry ball snug in your lap.
Each day brings changes oh so fast.
This stage too soon we know will pass.
When those sad eyes look up at me.
There is no question what I see.
As I look down from up above,
I always see the puppies love.

