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This article was posted back in July but me being the slacker that I am jut got around to posting it. Sorry. It was written by Thomas Leydier.

Its being confirmed by Dave Meltzer that Ken Shamrock is indeed leaving the World Wrestling Federation for one year, and will be headed to the UFC [Ultimate Fighting Championship], the no-holds-barred brawling federation where he made his name. Shamrock made the announcement this past Friday at a UFC event, and shocked many people. He said the reason behind him returning to the octagon was that he felt he had to prove himself. That when he left UFC, he left a part of himself behind.

Ken Shamrock will most likely be facing Pedro Hizzo at the UFC's first PPV event in a while - which will take place this December from Las Vegas, Nevada. Hizzo, whose fight style is kickboxing, is undefeated. The fight should be a good reality check for Shamrock to see if he has what it takes to still compete in UFC.

The UFC has really been losing popularity lately because of the fact that they have not been holding many Pay-Per-View events. Ken Shamrock is going to be the guy they are going to restructure their company around. He's a big name for them and his successful stint with the WWF has certainly helped.

Shamrock has been a WWF superstar since April of 1997, and has really come a long way. Hopefully after his UFC stint, he will in fact return to the WWF.

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