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This article was taken from the November 1999 WWF Magazine. Badd Ass Billy Gunn is on the cover...anyway Bill Banks writes.

Sometime this December or next January, Ken Shamrock will return to the world of Ultimate Fighting. By the time this issue hits newstands, he will already be deeply embroiled in training. As it stands right now, Shamrock is taking a hiatus from the World Wrestling Federation to journey back into the octagon-The same arena where years ago he earned the title "The Worlds Most Dangerous Man."

Although, the landscape of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) has changed dramatically since he dominated it, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that Shamrock will regain his glory. Many people have questioned why he chose to return. As he steps through this portal, Shamrock is leaving his pathway to the World Wrestling Federation open. The man has waged wars in the squared circle, and new ones will surely await him on his return. As the former Ultimate Fighting Champion heafds back to a familar battleground, perhaps there is one enemy who will not allow time to heal his war wounds.

That man is the "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman. The history between Shamrock and Blackman is well-documented. In the beginning, each man respected the others abilities. But Blackman, in his quest to prove himself the "Lethal Weapon" turned on his friend--and damaged Shamrock like no one in the federation(or the UFC for that matter) had. In the federation, Blackman was able to dissect Shamrock with the skill of a surgeon. The Pennsylvania native seemily had Shamrock's number. Shamrock even admitted that he was never the same afterward. It changed "The Worlds Most Dangerous Man," mentally and physically.

Anyone in his shoes would have difficulty putting something so brutal behind him and moving on. That's something Shamrock must deal with every day as he trains for the octagon. The reality is that in their struggle for superiority, neither man was victoriuos. A superstar who always strives to be the best, this must surely eat away at Shamrock's soul. In his battles with Blackman, he was not the better man....but rather just a man. Any other athlete might be destroyed by that. Being the driven human being that he is, however, Shamrock could use this as motivation.

It's not so much that the "Lethal Weapon" succeeded in injuring Shamrock, but Steve Blackman made his reputation in the federation on him. The "silent assassin" had been taken for granted by the fans and federation officials, but when he became the first to tear into Shamrock everyone took notice. Doing so immediatly propelled him up the ladder of contention and established him as a legimate threat to any championship.. Blackman made it know his services were available to the highest bidder--opting instead to benefit financially from his skill.. Simply put, in his world Steve Blackman was making a very comfortable living from what he did to Ken Shamrock.

"I'm definitley not exiting the Federation for good," Shamrock claims. "I want to go into the UFC, take whats mine and then come back to the Federation. I still have goals I want to accomplish in the World Wrestling Federation, and I plan on acheiving them."

What if "taking what is his" isn't the only reason Shamrock is going back to the octagon? He is clearly opening that doorway for himself, but he is also hoping someone will follow him into the UFC? And what if that person is none other then the "Lethal Weapon"? Blackman may have damaged Shamrock in his world of the squared circle, but in the Ultimate Fighting world it is Shamrock who dominates. By continueing their fight into the Federation, "the World's Most Dangerous Man" may have realized it might never end, and that both competetiors woul sooner put each other in wheelchairs then admit they lost. But locked inside the Octagon, the "silent assassin" would be at a disadvantage. Blackmans forte is martial arts weaponary, which did most of the harm to Shamrock. No such skills are allowed in the Octagon, however, where the battle code is "one on one." Blackman would appear inexperienced compared to Shamrock in no-holds-barred fighting.

In the months prior to his return to th octagon, Ken Shamrock has also been very vocal about his hope that the Federation will help promote his bouts.

"I think by the World Wrestling Federation promoting me, it will help them when I return". he says. "By once again re-establishing myself as the greatest no-holds-barred fighter in the world, then I will be able to accomplish my goals in the Federation."

In suggesting this, maybe Shamrock is alreay planting a seed for what is to come. If the "Lethal Weapon" was to be lured into the Octagon, think what it would mean for the UFC and the Federation. Not only would an inter-promotional match ignite intrique among fans, but it would certianly be a large payday for both companies as well. In addition, with the history they already share, it is a What if the Federation's marketing machine unwittingly assisted in Blackmans Demise by helping Shamrock?

If luring Blackman into the Octagon is indeed Shamrocks game, the question is: How to accomplish it? Perhaps Shamrock is already beginning to do just that!! Since announcing his return to the UFC, fans and fighters of the no-holds-barred realm have been preparing for the return of their "KING" to his castle. The UFC is already promoting Shamrock, and opponents are being lined up for him to buzzsaw through. Its almost as if there's an aair of celebration to it. Imagine how that must be bothering Blackman. In his mind, Blackman succeeded in penetrating Shamrock's air of invincibilty after all. How dare anyone forget that. Being the superb athlete that he is, Balckman certainly couldn't deal with it. Perhaps Shamrock's plan is already working as fire is already burning inside the "silent assassin."

Time may now be the only thing preventing Steve Blackman from following Ken Shamrock into his world.

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