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Shamrocks finally cracked the sport's elite this year...The Intercontinental Champion, after nine long years, is reaching his potential...He's not mama's choir boy anymore...Shamrock has given in to his guttural inclinations and taken cheapshots at thr WWF's heros (a.k.a. other cheapshot artists)...He was reportedly very hurt by the showers of boos that greet him at the WWF events...We didn't know "kenny-wenny" was the sensitive type...Eat some morew dog food, Shamrock, and get your mind back on business...He's on the right track...He is now reaping the benifits of joining Vince McMahon's corporate army...Now Shamrock's getting high-profile matches against "Stone Cold" and all the help he could possibly want...McMahon had better not cross Mr. Shamrock with one of his clever schemes...Wouldn't an ankle lock feel good on that once-injured foot?...Shamrock has recently found an unlikely ally in Rocky Mavia...Like Shamrock, Maivia has gained some major attitude- and confidence-over the past few months and seems very content to be Vince's stooge...What happened to Shamrock's epic showdown with Dan Severn?...If Severn's bruised apine heals fairly soon, "The Beast" could be Shamrock's challenger at Wrestlemania XV...The time would be ripe for Shamrock to make another run for the WWF World Title if ally RockY Maivia loses it...His performances against then -champs Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Steve Austin were lackluster, but "The Worlds Most Dangerous Man" is more vicous then ever...There is a method behind Shamrocks maddness...Shamrock has finally recoginized he has a volatile temper and can't prevent his own maniacal outbursts...He has wisely learned how to incorporate his anger into match strategy...Shamrock still isn't able to curb his temper, but he has finally learned to channel it towards his opponent-without self-distructing.

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