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One Shiny Happy Sucka' Lives Here

Ich bin Wienerschnitzel! Right on!

!!!!!!If and when it ax's ya' if ya' wanna waaay download sump'n fum comet curso's, DO IT, oderwise ya' won't dig de curso' surprise! Right on!

So'ry about da damn pop-up ad windows, angelfire decided eveyone has t'have dem now, so cut me some slack, Jack. :(

Dis page be fine much plum stuff I've stolen fum oda' sites. If ya' kin dink uh o' gots nuthin t'help it, sign de guestscribblin' o' email me. Dis be Red. Sign it anyway, I'm lonely. Slap mah fro!

Lastly, here's where ya' kin dig some helpful honky codes. Dere's winzip, fo' zip stashs, and digright, so's ya' kin pause and resume waaay downloads. Get dese if ya' wants', it duzn't real matta' to me.

Winzip Getright

Secondly, some little bit uh a warnin'. Well, not so's much uh a warnin' as sump'n I'm tellin' ya' befo'e ya' go any furder. Ah be baaad... Okay? Okay. Slap mah fro! I've put way too much crap on here, so's it may snatch some minute o' 57 t'load all de pictures. At least it duz wid mah' pos, steam-powered doodad, so's plum be patient way coo'! Right on! Dat's all.

Dis page best viewed wid:

Some uh de highlights uh my page, dig dis:
Java Games nodin'
De Good Stuff

Mah' aol instant messenga' dojigger is, dig dis:


Don't laugh!  I know it's a bad picture eek! Preach it loud, bruddah! oh it's plum me

Weada' Fo'ecast fo' Tomo'row, dig dis: Dark, followed by scattered light in de early mo'nin', clearin' down t'full light by noon. 'S coo', bro. Anoda' dark front should hit in de evenin', wid toal darkness settin' in tonight and puh'sistin' drough until de next day. Slap mah fro! Dere might be some moon down. High probability uh stars. Dere gots'ta probably be some wind and clouds, too. 'S coo', bro. You's neva' know, so cut me some slack, Jack.

Scary picturesClick on this!  Trust me.Scary pictures

When youse some kid ya' dink youse fader's supuh'man, den ya' grow down and realize he's plum a regular dude who wears some cape...

Yo' Favo'ite James Bond

Who be ya' favo'ite james bond?

Sean Connery
Geo'ge Lazenby
Roga' Moo'e
Timody Dalton
Pierce Brosnan

Current Results

Tony, dig dis: ah' wuz in Italy wid some homey and dis honky chick comes down and drows mah' homey some baby. Slap mah fro! Den when he caught it, ha' oda' kids ran down and took his wallet right out uh his pocket. Man! So's let dat be some lesson t'ya'. If youse eva' in Italy and some sucka tosses ya' some baby, plum swat it. Man! Swat it t'de ground and say, dig dis: "I DON'T THINK SO! Right on!"
Doc Katz, dig dis: Good fo' ya', Tony. Slap mah fro!
Tony, dig dis: I'm plum tryin' t'snatch some bite out uh crime...

Here is some spiffy little applet games. (apparently ya' gots'ta gots some browsa' dat kin do java t'see dese)

FINALLY! Preach it loud, bruddah! I've gotsten dis java game t'wo'k on mah' own page. Enjoy. Slap mah fro!

on oda' pages

Mah' Favo'ite Links

I rememba' one time mah' Big Daddy wuz wearin' pants, it gots'ta have been Danksgivin'--

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Email, dig dis:

We used t'go on vacashuns every year. Ah be baaad... Five sucka's packed in some car, windows rolled down, pretendin' we had air condishunin'. Mah' Big Daddy would say, dig dis:
"Would ya look at dat? How could sucka's be so's inconsiderate? Drowin' away puh'fectly baaaad lawn furniture."
"Big Daddy, ah' duzn't dink dey're drowin' it out. Man! Deir drinks is still on de table! Right on!"
"Dey're drowin' it out! Right on! Get out uh de wheels and dig it! Right on! And dig dat barbecue set while youse at it. Man!"
Lata' on ah' gots burned, dig dis:
"AHHH! Right on!"
"Put on de oven mitts befo'e ya' grab dat doodad! Right on! Dump out dose hot coals! Right on! Gimme dat hot dog! Right on! GET WITH IT! Right on!"

I found da damn glitch in de fo'm dat wouldn't let ya' drow it. Man! It seems dat some sucka accidentally erased da damn drow button. 'S coo', bro. It certainly wuzn't me, ah' would neva' do nuthin dat stupid. You's probably dought it wuz some prank, o' dat ah' wuz stupid, but it's not and neida' am I.

Tell me stuff! Right on!

Yo' dojigger:

Yo' email address, dig dis: (e.g. What it is, Mama!: biteme@imnottellin'ya'whoiam. WORD!com)

Yo' sex, dig dis: please pick only one.   Kermit   Miss Piggy   Nun yo' bidnit! Right on!

Whut do ya' dink uh my site?

Do ya' gots any comments, suggesshuns, insults, dead dreats...?

Which uh dese dun did ya' likes?   Pictures   Sto'ies and poems (if ya' dun didn't see dis part, move yo' mouse pointa' ova' dese wo'ds and click de button on top. Jes hang loose, brud.   Laya't

Did ya' sign de guestscribblin'? Yes   No, cuz' I's gots'ta be an alleyetic loser. Ah be baaad...
Of course ya' dun didn't, no one eva' duz. Why duzn't ya' plum do it? It's not hard! Right on! Just go down t'de guestscribblin' when ya' done and sign it. Man! No?... Okay, ah' dun didn't wanna gots'ta do dis, but ya''ve left me no choice... PLEASE! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Preach it loud, bruddah! I'll be youse best homey! Right on! I'll cut ya' some dollar! Right on! Two dollars! Right on! PLEEEEEEEEEEASE! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on! Yeah! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on! Dank ya'.

TP: Folded o'   Wadded-up

Can ya' dink uh any oda' quesshuns dat should be on here? Nuthin at all. No not dat! Right on!

Rap yo' puny little mind! Right on! ah' said rant! Right on! Do as ah' say! Right on!

De end.