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One Shiny Happy Varmint Lives Hyar

Ich bin Wienerschnitzel! Fry mah hide!

!!!!!!Eff'n an' when it axs yo' eff'n yer hankerin' t'download sumpin fum comet curso's, DO IT, otherwise yo' won't git th' curso' surprise!

So'ry about th' pop-up ad windows, ange'fire decided eveyone has t'have them now. :(

This hyar page is purdy much jest stuff I've stolen fum other sites. Eff'n yo' kin reckon of o' haf ennythin' t'he'p it, sign th' guestbook o' email me. This hyar is Red, cuss it all t' tarnation. Sign it ennyway, ah's lonely.

Lastly, hyar's whar yo' kin git some he'pful programs. Thar's winzip, fo' zip files, an' gitright, so yo' kin pause an' resoom downloads. Git these eff'n yo' want, it don't pow'ful matter t'me.

Winzip Gitright

Secondly, a li'l bit of a warnin'. Wal, not so much of a warnin' as sumpin ah's tellyng yo' befo'e yo' hoof it enny further. Okay? Okay. I've put way too much crap on hyar, so it may take a minute o' 57 t'load all th' pitchers. At least it does wif mah pos, steam-powered modem, so jest be patient alright! Fry mah hide! Thet's all, ah reckon.

This hyar page bess viewed wif:

Some of th' highlights of mah page:
Java Games nothin'
Th' Good Stuff

Mah aol instant messenger name is:


Don't laugh!  I know it's a bad picture eek! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! oh it's jest me

Weather Fo'ecast fo' T'morry: Dark, follered by scattered light in th' early mo'nin', clearin' up t'full light by noon, as enny fool kin plainly see. T'other dark front sh'd hit in th' evenin', wif toal darkness settin' in tonight an' persistin' through until th' next day. Thar might be a moon up. High probability of stars. Thar will probably be some wind an' clouds, too. Yo' nevah know.

Scary pitchersClick on this!  Trust me.Scary pitchers

When yer a kid yo' reckon yer Pappy's superman, then yo' grow up an' reckanize he's jest a regular guy who wars a cape...

Yer Favo'ite James Bond

Who is yo' favo'ite james bond?

Sean Connery
Jedidiah Lazenby
Roger Moree
Timmy-Boy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan

Current Results

Chattanooga: ah was in Italy wif a friend an' this hyar woomin comes up an' throws mah friend a baby. Then when he caught it, her other kids scooted up an' took his wallet right outta his pocket. So let thet be a lesson t'yo'. Eff'n yer evah in Italy an' someone tostes yo' a baby, jest swat it. Swat it t'th' groun' an' say: "ah DON'T THINK SO! Fry mah hide!"
Dr. Katz: Good fo' yo', Chattanooga.
Chattanooga: ah's jest tryin' t'take a bite outta crime...

Here is some spiffy li'l applet games. (apparently yo' hafta haf a browser thet kin does java t'see these)

FINALLY! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! I've gotten this hyar java game t'wawk on mah own page. Enjoy.

on other pages

Mah Favo'ite Links

ah remember one time mah Pappy was warin' pants, it muss haf been Thanksgivin'--

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Email: hunter9000@hotmail, ah

We used t'go on vacashuns ev'ry year. Five varmints packed in a car, windows rolled up, pretendin' we had air corndishunin'. Mah Pappy'd say:
"W'd ya look at thet? How c'd varmints be so inconsiderate? Throwin' away puffickly fine lawn furniture."
"Pappy, ah doesn't reckon they're throwin' it out. Their six packs is still on th' table!"
"They're throwin' it out! Fry mah hide! Git outta th' car an' git it! Fry mah hide! An' git thet barbecue set while yer at it."
Later on ah got burned:
"AHHH! Fry mah hide!"
"Put on th' oven mitts befo'e yo' grab thet thin'! Fry mah hide! Dump out them hot coals! Gimme thet hot houn'dog! Fry mah hide! GET WITH IT! Fry mah hide!"

ah foun' th' glitch in th' fo'm thet'dn't let yo' send it. It seems thet someone accidentally erased th' send button, as enny fool kin plainly see. It sartinly warn't me, ah w'd nevah does ennythin' thet stoopid. Yo' probably thunk it was a prank, o' thet ah was stoopid, but it's not an' neifer is I.

Tell me stuff! Fry mah hide!

Yer name:

Yer email address: (e.g, acco'din' t' th' code o' th' heells!: biteme@imnottellyngyo'whoiam, dawgone

Yer sex: please pick only one.   Kermit   Miss Piggy   Nun yo' bidnit! Fry mah hide!

Whut in tarnation does yo' reckon of mah site?

Do yo' haf enny comments, suggesshuns, insults, death threats...?

Which of these did yo' like?   Pitchers   Sto'ies an' poems (if yo' didn't see this hyar part, move yer mouse pointer on over these wo'ds an' click th' button on top.   Layo't

Ju sign th' guestbook? Yessuh   No, on account o' ah's an pathetic loser.
Of course yo' didn't, no one evah does. Whuffo' doesn't yo' jest does it? It's not hard! Fry mah hide! Jest hoof it up t'th' guestbook when yo' done an' sign it. No?... Okay, i didn't be hankerin' t'have t'do this, but yo've lef' me no choice... PLEASE! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! I'll be yer bess friend! Fry mah hide! I'll give yo' a dollar! Fry mah hide! Two dollars! PLEEEEEEEEEEASE! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! Yeah! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! Thank yo'.

TP: Folded o'   Wadded-up

Kin yo' reckon of enny other quesshuns thet sh'd be on hyar? Ennythin' at all, ah reckon. No not thet! Fry mah hide!

Speak yer puny li'l mind! Fry mah hide! ah said rant! Fry mah hide! Do as ah say! Fry mah hide!

Th' end, cuss it all t' tarnation.