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"BOOM!" a bomb hit. The ground shook and rumbled. Buildings collapsed and glass started falling like rain. Part of the dome above us must have been shattered. "BOOM!" another hit. I reeled back and fell on the floor. All I remember then was falling off the foundation and a crashing sound.

When I came to, I realized the floor I had fallen onto had collapsed. I could hear Jim screaming, trapped in the same predicament. I was covered by debris, unable to get out. It was completely dark. I felt a sharp pain in my hip and left shoulder. I squirmed a little bit and saw the gas through an opening in the debris. They must have started pumping it again! It was almost to me already, coming down fast, not more than fifty feet away. I watched in horror as my life was coming to a close. I tried to get loose, (which was pointless by that time), but I was stuck. The gas kept coming and coming. It was already in the hole I was in. The gas came until it was only a few feet from my face. It started seeping through the debris. I closed my eyes, waiting to die.

Join us for the epic adventure, Base 69, by Stephen Spears with Matthew McClure.

Coming in 1999.

A young adult novel.

My Imagination