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"If greatness is possible the being excellent is not enough."- LES BROWN



The name of our organization is SPOT TV which is an acronym that stands for: SUPREME PEOPLE OPERATE TOGETHER SPOT Television started out as THE SPOT and has gradually worked its way to be one of the most popular Television production organizations around. Believe it a not SPOT TV started in an apartment, in the fall semester of 1995 by 4 dreamers and doers, Ski Bo (Roger Johnson), NCA&T, Troy Jones, NCA&T, Valerie Pompey-Weathers, Bennett College and Jason Thousand, NCA&T.


Valerie was studying mass communications at Bennett College and had a strong interest in public relations and public access television and had a promotions agency named PYRAMID (Promoting cultural awareness through intellectual, educational, and production media.) When Valerie told Roger a mass communications major, Troy a business management major and Jason a graphic artist that they could have there own program on cable television immediately everyone decided to do it.


We had no Idea what we would name our project so we decided to just think about it for a while, several days later while meeting Skibo came up with The SPOT In 1996 we decided to use SPOT TELEVISION to reflect the direction of our productions.. We decided The Spot would be wherever we are at the present time. SPOT TV came up with the SUPREME PEOPLE OPERATE TOGETHER Acronym. 1996


Our mission is simply to make a difference by building skills.

Skills are the building blocks for success.


When Empire Productions and Pyramid came up with the idea for SPOT TELEVISION, We wanted to make a difference in our Community. Pyramid and Empire, merged forces in order to use our skills to make a positive change. Two years later people are watching SPOT TV Productions and depending on our organization to entertain, inspire and inform them.


We borrowed our first video camera from Bennett College and then obtained our own video camera through a generous donation. We proceeded to video tape anything and everything that went on in Greensboro NC. Fall 1995 was a very busy time for Empire and Pyramid.

During Homecoming 95 SPOT TV covered the homecoming activities at North Carolina A& T State University including the parade, the pre dawn, the show and other events. This succeeded to be the first official field production of the SPOT TELEVISION

It has been over two years and it has not been easy producing over 200 high impact, entertaining , hot 58 minute television shows with little support or sponsorship in one year not to mention the time consuming task of Pre and Post Production.


SPOT TV has been responsible for producing THE SPOT a public affairs video show that has featured more than 80 national celebrities. THE SPOT program is hosted by SKI BO a local personality. The Busta Brown Show ; Starring Busta Brown a local Radio Personality., The award winning Ethiopian Air Lions & Tours a culture awareness program that stars Pschye Wanzandae .The Morgan Lanier Show a documentary that featured a historical moment with Jabrielle Khazan an original sit in participant. Now after all this we have the skill, the will, and the credentials to help our community with real vision.


SPOT TELEVISION has been a medium that has surpassed all of our efforts in the past to reach the local Greensboro community. THE SPOT TV FEED BACK and CONTEST LINE which we monitor during our cablecast at 11:00pm on Saturday nights. On Public Access Television. By using contests and questions to encourage viewers to call our FEED BACK LINE. SPOT TV finds out exactly what the viewing audience is thinking and doing.. We receive calls from all races and age groups. Many of the calls are from teen-agers that want to work on SPOT TELEVISION.



Record labels send us free stuff and we give it to the people

SPOT TELEVISION came in 2nd in the nation for a contest called Count The Capones. A contest sponsored by Penalty Records the contest consisted of mailing a response to the record label. Everyone who participated won a prize. Three CD's and an Autographed picture of poster of the rap artist Capone and Norega. SPOT TV won a SONY DISC MAN.


SPOT TV Has a contest every week. Count Capital Jay was a contest that SPOT TV sponsored. A local DJ was in a national distributed music video featuring Yvette Michele and various hot DJ's from across the country. THE SPOT had viewers count DJ Capital J in the video and call our number and tell us how many times they counted Capital J in the Yvette Michele video in order to win free CD's. provided to us by record labels and local DJ's.