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TCR Press
Your source for online fiction

1-999 | 1000-1999 | 2000+

EMAIL additions, comments, questions

2000 his beer can collection is outgrowing the house
2001 a bookie calls back and speaks with mom
2002 boss hides in bathroom stalls to collect gossip
2003 son is falsely arrested for armed robbery
2004 gets email from old flame out of the blue
2005 overhears someone calling her dress a "tent"
2006 stalker is using the internet to gain knowledge
2007 someone filed an amended tax return in MY name!
2008 relative's estate is composed of 100+ interlocking companies
2009 she goes to local biker bar to get seduced
2010 they fulfill his fantasy: getting picked up at bar
2011 they fulfill her fantasy: doing it out of doors in the park
2012 that granddaughter has a learning problem
2013 surgeon gives him a choice of three different procedures
2014 someone is willing to pay big $$$$$ for her pie recipe
2015 tour of favorite food company reveals cheap shortcuts
2016 the wedding band had a bit too much to drink first
2017 shells out a week's pay to get his son that sports uniform
2018 new $3000 worth of dental work get smashed in car crash
2019 that kid of theirs is always doing some cruel
2020 family news website has some controversial gossip
2021 she walks out on Thanksgiving dinner on animal rights grounds
2022 all but one think life support should be unplugged
2023 teen takes family minivan offroad like an SUV
2024 she can read better than her older brother
2025 'free drinks before 8pm' proves a disappointment
2026 responds to 'egg donors wanted' ad to get extra cash
2027 son's Cancun vacation gives him SEVERAL firsts
2028 donates the firm's computers to local school
2029 steals and takes credit for co-worker's cost-cutting plan
2030 discovers she is working for a polluting corporation
2031 surprises spouse with January vacation safari
2032 teen responds to offer to star in adult films part-time
2033 his semi-pro team is going pro - must quit good job
2034 something odd is appearing on grandparent's account statements
2035 legislature plans to shut down his OTC stimulant business
2036 job offer in China - twice salary but 24 hrs. to decide
2037 discovers his co-workers are diverting funds - threatened
2038 develops a high-profit recipe for pizza with fake cheese
2039 housewife uses camera on home computer to earn money
2040 mayor holds local town meeting - big mistake
2041 board of foundation wants you to quit for no reason
2042 lovely woman on daily train finally smiles
2043 starts a think tank devoted to "environmental awareness"
2044 business partners work long hours - romance starts to bud
2045 anti-semitic slogans painted near colleague's door
2046 son arrested on spring break - needs $737 wired for fines
2047 latenight tutoring classes lower student inhibitions
2048 city council member calls for "impeaching" city manager
2049 pollster calls and asks questions about sex life
2050 congressman proposes environmental tax on your business type
2051 invests life savings in a portable communication device
2052 will someone tell her that tennis shoes and dresses look dumb
2053 baptising 350 lb. Brother Jones is a challenge
2054 computer-based cult delivers daily emails to order life
2055 that new payroll clerk is just what he always wanted
2056 keeps calling mayor a "pervert" without any details
2057 buys spot on radio station to share prophetic dreams
2058 notified political contribution may be illegal
2059 donates big money to candidate who now has terminal cancer
2060 for some reason the fast food chain has mostly gay managers
2061 decides to change political party - family is shocked
2062 local bowling champ is defeated by a mere child
2063 travels to England - tickets to play are sold out
2064 tries to reform economic system in tiny third world country
2065 you get a photo of your partner meeting an business foe
2066 environmental extremists torch ski resort over timber clearing
2067 new cross-country train service is a wild single"s dream
2068 tries to locate old flame who was pretty good after all
2069 thick Turkish coffee is an uncontrollable big hit at the cafe
2070 someone telegrams to claim they have bones of MIA relative
2071 sells prized china collection to pay off son"s bail bond
2072 father goes ballistic after seeing her cheerleader outfit
2073 forms a small youth militia with basement as barracks
2074 crossing that man cost her sight in one eye
2075 singles bowling league has bikini and brief night
2076 gambling debt collectors threaten his young children
2077 his secret church is practically ordering people to marry
2078 volunteers as security guard for neighborhood shops
2079 makes a small fortune adding little charges to customer bills
2080 federal grant for housing is shelter is diverted to fun
2081 forms a bogus internet company and offers lots of stock
2082 his noisy "train watch" is driving her crazy
2083 she didn"t have this bad taste in clothes when I married her
2084 neighbors argue over satelite dishes blocking the view
2085 big city girls ends up a tiny college town with no life
2086 kids - fast car - curving roads - bad combo
2087 plans a boycott of Disney with church group
2088 poor family inherits a large estate from distant uncle
2089 sleeps at airport - laptop and presentation are gone
2090 kids get a hold of dad"s powerful drill
2091 angry neighbor points mirrors toward your windows
2092 gals challenge guys to a "bowl off"
2093 he has more old trucks than he can afford to restore
2094 denies he is coloring hair - even a little
2095 her colored contacts make her eyes almost alien
2096 drives Volvo to mountains and leaves everything behind
2097 new complicated CD player goes crazy during party
2098 big new tree house does not conform to development"s code
2099 pays big invoice from fraudulent firm - boss is furious
2100 rear spoiler falls off car and crashes into another auto
2101 he is successful man after attending a hairstyling college
2102 makes a total fool of himself on community access TV
2103 hides mini TV in half-open desk drawer to watch soaps
2104 respected man opens pawn shop-video poker parlor
2105 video games makes a big noise during meeting
2106 bring-your-pet-to-work day proves a bit violent
2107 everyone's new computers shut the company down cold
2108 employee claims he emailed company plans to competitor
2109 nosy neighbor thinks food scraps are remains of body
2110 corporate operation in Russia is costing big cash
2111 local fresh bread store has been used tainted wheat
2112 how can she afford a better car than her boss?
2113 babysits a friend's "cat from hell"
2114 kids find bottle of old strong tonic in attic
2115 the new house is full of mice
2116 she gets two diamond rings and proposals in one week!
2117 therapist tells her that her man is "toxic"
2118 the formerly big 401K has lost 22% overnight
2119 brothers get NFL contracts - buys everyone a big BMW
2120 worried about new jogging buddy of age 77
2121 dad decides the kid"s TV addiction ends NOW
2122 asked to become a columnist in a conservative paper
2123 the stucco is rotting away - and fast!
2124 finds a microphone planted in hotel room
2125 brother"s small plane is missing in jungle
2126 asked to join a female mentoring program
2127 receives "Genius Award" at work
2128 plans to take his friend's play on the road
2129 campaigns in Washington for a Gay Pride stamp
2130 the maker of no-name computer cannot be found
2131 organized a "bed-in for peace" at college
2132 the kid's squirt guns are getting out of control
2133 gets a terrible haircut before big presentation
2134 discovers old college friend died 5 years ago
2135 child falls into deep end of pool at resort
2136 he actually reads 30 magazines every month
2137 computer program predicts his love life
2138 stern boarding school headmaster has secret life
2139 his claim of being a NASA engineer is found out
2140 she is dressing a bit butch these days
2141 wife asks husband for an expensive makeover
2142 new running shoes are total pain and discomfort
2143 can't fill internet site orders in a life time!
2144 attachs kitten to a big helium balloon
2145 community cable show shows business in bad light
2146 her magazine layout is too sexy for family
2147 someone erased his harddrive while on vacation
2148 gives spouse a wine-tasting vacation through France
2149 there is more to that boutique than meets the eye
2150 finds a detailed profile of himself posted on net
2151 family chokes mid-bite after hearing the pie recipe
2152 starts a minority newspaper with an unusual take
2153 plan to declare "cyber war" on competitor backfires
2154 takes back Christmas gift and finds it on bargain table
2155 she settled for a man much below her mental capability
2156 discovers he overpaid taxes but it"s too late to refile
2157 a strange call mentions a package that was just delivered
2158 husband wants too much sex during pregnancy
2159 his cartoon character looks too much a Disney icon
2160 politicians story of a poor childhood is proven a lie
2161 gets a shocking quality report during merger talks
2162 decides to pray on his roof to get closer to God
2163 new owner and boss is everything his father was not
2164 used 19 credit cards to fund a risky new business
2165 growing business has no luck or skill at recruiting
2166 high school gives out cherry flavored condoms
2167 decides to settle poodle trauma on TV court show
2168 trip to ancestor's homeland brings about big changes
2169 church sunday school for singles is a big hit
2170 a star employee is demanding a pricey car in the deal
2171 a young child dies from tainted hamburger meat
2172 neighbors from third world country have odd habits
2173 secretary is filing things under strange names
2174 the vital business files are lost in cargo plane crash
2175 outsourcing the job proves to be a nightmare
2176 her toy bear company is outgrowing the home
2177 birth of first child brings them closer
2178 he gets up enough courage to talk to pretty girl in park
2179 crime ring preys upon a group of bank ATMs
2180 shareholder's meeting is totally out of control
2181 playboy of a man actuallys becomes faithful husband
2182 his wife's side of family has some mental problems
2183 math teacher shares a life-changing philosophy
2184 he retired at age 32 and can't find a soulmate
2185 she meets a high level executive in company's gymnasium
2186 tries to develop a big following for obscure Greek food
2187 runs a business eavesdropping on client's competitors
2188 his passion for old cars requires a private warehouse
2189 new computer line you sold starts to fail all at once
2190 son with overseas job is hinting at some danger
2191 grandma's cash gift for kids is intercepted
2192 fights to keep grandmother from blame in auto crash
2193 sobriety checkpoint stop turns violent real fast
2194 he left a thriving business to paint tiny paintings
2195 she gets a poetry book deal during senior year
2196 former girlfriend makes offer of no strings sex
2197 finds out greatgrandpa was slave in German war factory
2198 multimedia CD-ROM cookbook is full of major errors
2199 he uses WHAT in forming his sculptures!!!!
2200 boss insists everyone go on teamwork-nature hike
2201 takes up neighbor girl who has real golfing talent
2202 anti-virus software at work is very out of date
2203 dad has to cut his own son from football team
2204 gymnastics team gets a new very obnoxious star
2205 starts nationwide chain of sumo wrestling parlors
2206 two alumni fight over bid for alma mater"s building
2207 boy finds new bike locked but stripped of parts
2208 therapist says she must confront dying uncle
2209 creative management retreat asks attendees to disrobe
2210 neighbor's big noisy motorcycle begins at 5am
2211 decides to build own family house of recycled materials
2212 after stock drop his Wall Street reputation is dead
2213 radio talkshow host is taking on big social clubs
2214 boss insists all staff wear goofy orange baseball caps
2215 pays $200 for "gold card" that no store will take
2216 cheese-of-the-month club makes interesting gift
2217 dog gets into delivery of airmail steaks
2218 owner of favorite bed and breakfast wants to sell
2219 accountant says you are paying for all room service
2220 cousin won't let anyone near her dying father
2221 being a ski instructor only pays half the bills
2222 borrows from famous symphony to get through college course
2223 restaurant reviewer says soup is "rancid mop water"
2224 mortal fear of escallators is paralizing
2225 family spends Christmas in small airport terminal
2226 luggage and sales sample found - but soaking wet
2227 teens use sleeping train car for wild times
2228 police officer goes crazy when finding Swiss army knife
2229 protests men in office playing X-rated computer game
2230 newspaper columnist recommends non-existant book
2231 gets last laught with her gourmet pickle business
2232 head resident catches him masturbating in dorm
2233 lost bet involves payment in terms of oral sex
2234 she sleeps with lawyers to settle big bill
2235 returns to former job to find it not so easy now
2236 pawn shop is selling weapons to high schoolers
2237 her idea of style is ruffles on everything
2238 lost digitial camera holds valuable secret plans
2239 starts mobile dental clinic to help poor families
2240 teaches "how to get rich at poker" after work
2241 internet bid on auction has one extra digit!!
2242 online dating service offers odd lifestyle choices
2243 gives sponsorship of zoo animals as gifts
2244 bargain airline ticket is on a tiny ancient plane
2245 aging mother has massive platinum hairdo
2246 someone should have dad ask about those spots
2247 accidentally gives an heirloom dish to neighbor
2248 competitor hires actor to make fun of another CEO
2249 she talks openly at work about feminine hygiene
2250 he thinks mistletoe in his belt buckle is funny
2251 brother finds his sister"s "stud list" on PC
2252 seems to think family home is a national landmark
2253 prices on company website is off by big money
2254 neighbor looks like man on "most wanted" show
2255 thinks he has written a great new church hymn
2256 money for kid's summer camp goes for liquor
2257 teen son runs through stop sign at high speed
2258 kids think old dog bone is from dinosaur graveyard
2259 Assistant DA is selling pleas on the side
2260 taking moving van over old bridge is a mistake
2261 she punctures inflatable raft with oar
2262 class puts itching powder on teacher's sweater
2263 business phone is tied up with incoming fax calls
2264 young lawyer appears before US Supreme Court
2265 receives award for ugliest building in city
2266 student"s tinker with school"s sports records
2267 tries to get their new dog breed recognized
2268 discovers a long lost set of Elvis' letters
2269 her internship at zoo has a close call
2270 surprise trip to grandma's reveals her new lover
2271 puts his life savings into dive for Spanish gold
2272 parents use web "cookies" to find kid"s secret
2273 campers debate turning in a flirting counselor
2274 veteran dad angry is school's revisionist history book
2275 enterprizing brother sells his sister's panties
2276 her online soap opera gets 3000000 hits a year
2277 parents sued for kid's posting of music sound files
2278 publisher says his novel manuscript is total rubbish
2279 finally meets a major customer from Japan
2280 auto repair advice over internet is VERY wrong
2281 city refuses permits for long-established block party
2282 a volunteer is making off with valuable equipment
2283 kids organize neighborhood cleanup on their own
2284 discovers corporate website is blocked as pornographic
2285 fires 5 employees and gets immigrants at half pay
2286 contractor finds old skeleton in wall of house
2287 he can't stand his love's taste in casual clothes
2288 someone posts your new product design on the web
2289 federal agency asks for confidential customer record
2290 relative gives his old clothes as Christmas gifts
2291 "starving" college son goes on expensive spring break
2292 puts up posters claiming local store is unfair
2293 his "creative consulting" firm is a big joke
2294 neighborhood boy hurts himself lifting your weights
2295 admits to staging his last 8 investigative reports
2296 economic collapse forces them to give away pets
2297 daughter is secretly drugging herself on cough syrup
2298 pays a friend of a friend to slash sister's face
2299 she wants to paint a mural on the family sedan
2300 gets booed off stage at a local comedy club
2301 she's a clumsy disaster at culinery school
2302 sober driver gets irrate at DUI check point
2303 man comes into ER with knife sticking in skull
2304 owner has cameras planted in new hotel walls
2305 rents a huge mansion for weekend anniversary
2306 her fiancee sees a conspiracy in everything!
2307 move from rural Canada to Big Apple is a shock
2308 joins the Peace Corps and tells no one
2309 starts a topless aerobic class in her basement
2310 vital restaurant ingrediant is banned by FDA
2311 gets a job at farm breeding odd animal hybrids
2312 caller to loveline talkshow sounds familiar
2313 young son accidentally talks about dad's affair
2314 new business partner stays home and does nothing
2315 Live TV interview on the street is all profanity
2316 blizzard strands them on plane on runway for 8 hours
2317 two former classmates hide their secret affair
2318 there is something TOO sensitive about this guy
2319 grandma barely misses driveby bullets at bus stop
2320 she is working on her fourth failed sitcom
2321 horrors of puppy farm made good TV ratings
2322 offended she is asked to play the wicked queen
2323 the man is always barefoot - even in winter
2324 this Christmas they just have each other
2325 he starts naming every business for himself
2326 overhears co-workers remarks hiding in lady's room
2327 approached to steal chemical from lab at work
2328 her 40-year-old son is living in the garage
2329 parents find kid's website is full of porno
2330 doctor says running so much is killing them
2331 local sweepstakes refuses to pay off
2332 talking poodle commercial is big humiliation
2333 takes his new gal on the road to Nashville
2334 makes a killing inventing Y2K problems in town
2335 City Hall wants to ban all "art carts"
2336 someone on cast is leaking the secret scripts
2337 he's paid to make her prom night a living hell
2338 a ragged hitchhiker propositions both guys
2339 he builds hidden room to hide her from law
2340 a man on the subway helps solve the problem
2341 parent's press police to charge kidnapping
2342 suspects the police have rented an apartment
2343 family holds him to drunken New Year's resolution
2344 erects pentagram in yard to anger neighbors
2345 accidentally pepper sprays innocent man
2346 he's mistaken for a returning bank robber
2347 college jock can't admit to being raped on campus
2348 school kids doctor up teacher's coffee
2349 parents spend savings to re-program cultic kid
2350 after 20 years he admits her ring is a fake
2351 he proposes a threesome with his secretary
2352 boss uncovers employee's hideout behind boxes
2353 new player is teased on TV for gangster past
2354 new congressman's wife is shocked by Washington
2355 the ice sculpture needs clothes!
2356 new wife says his wrestling posters must go
2357 a former bully becomes a true friend and defender
2358 has to invent reasons to fire the old manager
2359 two residents of two-year biosphere fall in love
2360 the law says he must get rid of that alligator
2361 grandpa is sure the neighbors are cyborgs
2362 he spends every dime to win high society girl
2363 she grants him one free mid-life affair
2364 police tear apart car to find nonexistant drugs
2365 the motel clerk offers them "additional services"
2366 develops code to run the mob from inside jail
2367 convinced his dreams are a sign of his royalty
2368 petite girl goes through Marine training
2369 new in-law is a convicted brothel owner
2370 there will be no tofu at my wedding!
2371 there's more to the herbal diet than is legal
2372 couple not prepared for the zanny dinner theatre
2373 chain gang inmates escape and take over convent
2374 young couple loses all homesteading on prairie
2375 the neighborhood club caters to no-strings everything
2376 aging pop artist benefit concert is embarassing
2377 sends the kids on search for non-existant treasure
2378 mom fights daughter's piercing obsession in court
2379 admits donating to sperm bank for lesbian couples
2380 his first assignment is a test of loyalty
2381 two boys start a black market at summer camp
2382 why does he have 450 credit numbers on his PC?

1-999 | 1000-1999 | 2000+