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Dragons of the Forgotten Realms


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This is the part of my page focused on the great Wyrms of the Forgotten Realms.I will show you the differences between the dragons by the simple bars above their profiles. the rune bar is for good or neutral, and the bloody bar is for evil dragons.

Gaulauntyr-The Theif Dragon
Gaulauntyr is one of the most intelligent and paranoid dragons of the North. She almost always cloaks herself in illusory disguises, and hides in forest glades, adandoned warehouses or ruins, or just under cover of darkness whenever possible. She's quite adept at landing softly atop the palaces and mansions of nobles, cautiously testing roofs to see whether they'll bear her weight, then draping herself over them to be as hidden as possible from eyes watching either from below or from windows in the building itself. She then employs WIZARD EYE and UNSEEN SERVANT spells, plus her GLORYTONGUE spell, to pluck gems and magical items out of the building.
Gaulauntyr is sometimes called "the Thief Dragon" because of her hunger for gems and the manner in which she has used spells, human hirelings, and stealth to steal gems from humans-notably Waterdhavian nobles, but also jewelers and gem-merchants in Luskan and other places up and down the Sword Coast. Gaulauntyr's more familiar nickname, "Glorytongue", comes from her habit of delivering touch spells with her tongue after employing a 1st-level spell, GLORYTONGUE, to make it a long, precise ribbon of flesh that can enter rooms via openings as small as a keyhole.
Gaulauntyr's true success, however, comes from an enchanted item and her own sly wits. The item, Jharakkan's Talon, is a little known draconic artifact of Faerun. More importantly, her shrewd mind allows Gaulauntyr to understand the societies of Luskan, Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur's Gate, and Caer Callidyr, thus learning where gems and wealth may be found, and when they'll be most poorly guearded. She has learned the way of both dragons and humans tend to think, allowing her to misdirect those fold of both races time and time again.
Gaulauntyr is said to be an accomplished mimic of human voices, very good at improvising interesting small-talk to put in the mouth of one of her spell-images. Manu dragons are said to be half-heartedly seeking her to recover the gems she has stolen, but Gaulauntyr seems to have no strong and persistent foes. The Cult of the Dragon would probably be deadly enemies to her if they knew just who was behind many of the thefts of their agents and treasuries that have occured up and down the Sword Coast.
Glorytongue makes her true lair in a many-armed tidewater cavern on the western face of a tiny island known as Alsapir's Rock, named for a long-ago fisherman who died when his boat was dashed apart against it during a storm. The Rock is so close to Mount Sar that it is ignored by most maps and charts. Glorytongue is a adult copper dragon.
BY- Jeff Greenwood, Dragon Magazine
Harginerfrith-The Doomwind
Harginerfrith-or "the Doomwind" is a wyrm of the greatest age. He is a black dragons with odd mottled purple scales over some of his black scales. He is large in the extreme. Easily measuring 150 ft long and over 40 ft wide.
The Doomwind got his name for his tendancy to ride prevailing winds just before a storm into a town or city and then strike with his spells and acid breathe. Doomwind spends most of his time trying to find powerful magics to give him immortality. If he soon doesn't find a spell for this then he may inadvertantly become one of the mightiest dracoliches in the Realms.
Doomwinds battles with other dragons have been a simple series of massive slaughters. Once a pair of white and blue dragons banded together to destroy the Doomwind and claim his horde and lai. Which are much larger than even most greedy red dragons hordes. The quartet of death met a viscous battle which none of them survived. Doomwind employed and ancient arctifact that he keeps safe within his bowels. A great dragon orb of offensive nature that a mage tried to use against the Doomwind, but the mage only served as a slight snack for the great wyrm. After loosing the horrible mental barrage of this orb the white dragons lashed out at Doomwind with their icy breathe weapons. one hit Doomwind squarly in the chest and froze his breast scales to britality. Doomwind became so enraged by this that he unleashed his deadly wind powers. After spending over three centuries studying the wind element, Doomwind learned to employ it with frigthening power. The winds ripped the wings off of the other dragons and threw their torn carcasses several leagues away. Where they landed on the main road to Baldur's Gate, frightening several merchants almost to death.
Doomwind makes his lair in a huge cavern complex in the Trollmoors. He is at home with the savage inhabitants of this cursed forest. Therefore he has ample defenses against blundering intruders. Beware Doomwinds hunger for it is the greatest in the land.
BY-Robert Harrison a.k.a. Gemma Thanatopsis