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This page is a recreation of the one I had before. Here I have attempted to put together as many of the pagan chants I know as possible so people can find the ones that speak to them. None of these are mine, unless they are marked specifically. There is no attempt to diminish copyright here, as far as I know, they are not copyrighted. If no name is given credit, it means I do not know who wrote it. All that said, enjoy!

Goddess, God and Moon Chants

Elemental Invocations
Harvest Time Chants
Yule Chants

Ancient Mother

Ancient Mother, I hear you calling.
Ancient Mother, I hear your song.
Ancient Mother, I hear you laughter.
Ancient Mother, I cry your tears.

Ancient Mother, I hear you calling.
Ancient Mother, I sing your song.
Ancient Mother, I share your laughter.
Ancient Mother, I dry your tears.

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Brigid's Song
Words by DolphinMoon, music by J. Tigerheart

Lady of the healing hands, inspire us.
Lady of the metal-working Fires, regenerate us.
We come together to your name
We call with the Sacred Name
In our Circle here.

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The Earth is our Mother

The earth is our mother,
We must take care of her.
The earth is our mother,
We must take care of her.

Chorus: Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.
Hey yanna, ho yanna, hey yan yan.

Her sacred ground we walk upon
With every step we take.
Her sacred ground we walk upon
With every step we take.


The earth is our mother,
She will take care of us.
The earth is our mother,
She will take care of us.


The sky is our father
We must take care of him
The sky is our father
We must take care of him

His sacred air we take inside
With every breath we take
His sacred air we take inside
With every breath we take

The sky is our father
He will take care of us
The sky is our father
He will take care of us

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Earth, Mother Earth

Earth, Mother Earth I hear you calling me (2x)
In the Air I breathe, In the Fiery Summer Sun,
In the Water I drink and in the Earth I walk upon.

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Four-Fold God and Goddess chants

Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone,
Flower, sword-blade, ivy, bone,
Help us make ourselves our own,
Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone.

Lover, Guardian, Hunter, Guide,
Wind and shield and bow and tide,
Help us shed what's false in pride,
Lover, Guardian, Hunter, Guide.

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Full Moonlight Dance

Under the full moon light we dance,
Hand in hand we dance
Heart to heart we dance
Soul to soul rejoice.

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Goddess Lullaby
by Jenna Tigerheart, 7-7-1999

Sleep little womanchild, restfully.
Young maiden close your eyes.
Athena the wise one watches over you,
Til dawn's light crests the sky.

Sleep strong womanchild, restfully.
Strong Warrior close your eyes.
Artemis, Huntress, watches over you,
Til morning's light is nigh.

Sleep young womanchild, restfully.
Young mother close your eyes.
Hestia, Hearthwarmer, watches your home,
Til dawn's light crests the sky.

Sleep wise womanchild, restfully.
Wise Crone close your eyes.
Hecate, Dark One, watches your world,
Til journey's end is nigh.

Hail the Moon
by  J. Tigerheart
(11-14-97 at CUUPS Convo)

Hail Sister Moon, rising so high
Like a sacred jewel in the night sky
All the stars shining bright around us,
Feel all the Beauty that surrounds us.

Hail Sister Moon, rising so high
Like a sacred jewel in the night sky.
All the stars shining bright around us,
Feel all the Love that surrounds us.

(Continue these lines, replacing the Red word with Tranquility, Strength, Community, then whatever you want.)

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Hecate, O Dark One

Hecate, O Dark One
Hecate, O Crone
Hecate, O Wise One,
Hecate Alone.

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Midi melody
Herne, Herne, Horned One,
Hunter neath the northern sun,
Watcher at the gates of Winter,
Flame on the wind.

Horned One

Horned One, Lover, Son
Leaper in the corn
Deep in the Mother
Die and be reborn.

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The Mystery
by J. Tigerheart  11/6/98

The Moon she is high in this wanderer's sky,
And I know, I know where the mystery goes.

The Stars are her eyes looking down on the tribes,
And I see, I see where the mystery leads.

The Clouds are her spirit; in my heart I hear it,
And I know, I know where the mystery goes.

The Earth is her home and We are her own,
And I see, the mystery leads back to me.

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Mother's Journey
by J. Tigerheart  4/2001 at Carolina Spirit Quest

Mother lay your heart on me
Let your vision be one I see
Let your passion set me free
And bring to me my sweetest dreams.

You were there when I was born
Opened my eyes to the coming dawn
Made the wind whisper near
As you calmed my early fears

As I grew in the mid-day sun
You showed me worlds I'd never sung
You put your fire into my soul
And gave me warmth when I was cold

Now I see through children's eyes
Your love is there where sea meets sky
You care for me as I care for them
You are my friend to journey's end

As my light begins to fade
I know the wisdom that comes with age
As darkness comes I share your soul
As I leave you make me whole.

Mother lay your heart on me
Let your vision be one I see
Let your passion set me free
And bring to me my sweetest dreams.

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Walk with the Goddess
Words and music by J. Tigerheart

Midi file of melody

Chorus: I Walk upon my Mother Earth,
I Walk upon you Mother Earth,
I walk with my Mother
Until the Sky meets Sea no more.

I walk upon your body as if it were my own;
With Sacred care and loving touch,
for you are my home.

You sacred air I breathe inside
from the skies above;
Knowing every cleansing breath
is given out of love.

My Spirit warms deep inside
from the fires of your molten core.
And your fires of transformation
will change me ever more.

The Waters of your living womb
bring peace and tranquility.
And after all is over
we will wake from the spirit dream.

(chorus 2x)

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We all come from the Goddess

We all come from the Goddess
And to her we shall return
Like a drop of rain
Flowing to the ocean
We all come from the Horned God
And to him we shall return
Like a spark of Light
Going to the Flame

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Untitled Shorts and One Liners
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kalit, Inana

The Goddess is Alive and Magic is Afoot!

Make me as one with the infinite Sun,
Forever and ever and ever.
Put me in tune with the infinite Moon,
Forever and ever and ever.

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