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***The Day We Met***

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All my life I had heard the stories of Cinderella, white knights and true love...
I never believed them...
No one could ever love or be loved like that...
It wasnt real...

Then one day you came in the room and this song was playing...
I asked you if it was possible to be loved like that...
Could anyone really love someone that much?...
Was Love real?...

You told me it was possible...
Love is out there somewhere...
And one day I would find it...
And, Yes, Love was real...

I didnt believe you either...
Then one day you gave me a dream...
And I began to wonder...
Is it possible, could Love be real?...

And then came the day baby...
You asked me to dance with you...
And, Baby, then I knew...
Yes, Love is real...

Thank you Baby for showing me what Love really is...
I will love you forever and always...
Completely, heart and soul...
I now know that, Yes, Love is real...

To My Love...From Blue500