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67th N.C. Infantry Roster

Here is the roster for the 67th from Moore's Rosters (1881): SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT -- INFANTRY


John N. Whitford Colonel, cm. January 18th, '64; Craven co.
Rufus W. Wharton, Lieut.-Colonel, cm. January 18th, '64
Edward Whitford, Major, cm. January 18th, '64; Craven co.
Samuel G. Schenck, Adjutaut, cm. June 18th, '63; Beaufort co.
Thomas M. Robinson, A. Q. M., cm. September 20th,'62; Beaufort co. r. January 30th, '65.
Wiley F. Higgens, A. C. S., cm. September 1st, '64; Craven co.
Joseph Graham, Surgeon, cm. January 18th, '64; Orange co.
William H. Morrow, Assistant Surgeon, cm. January 22nd, '63; Orange co.
Henry Whitehurst, Ensign.


James E. Tolson, Captain, cm. January 18th, '64
Hardy Whitford, 1st Lieutenant. cm. January 18th, '64
Wiley N. Higgins, 2d Lieutenant, cm. March 28th, '63
Addison P. Whitford, 2d Lieutenant, cm. February 17th, '64


Stephen Barrington, Captain, cm. June 25th, '61;. Craven co.
Thomas H. Gaskins, lst Lieutenant, cm. December 1st, '62; Craven co.
Joseph N. Myers, 2d Lieutenant, cm. December 1st, '61: Craven co.
Nathan Mirks, 2d Lieutenant, cm, July 1st, '61; Craven co.
Nathan Hooker, 2d Lieutenant, cm. March 28th, '63; Craven co.
John W, Aldridge, 2d Lieutenant, cm. Nov. 28th, '63; Craven co.; p. from Sergt.


John W. Aldridge, 1st Sergeant, e, July 6th, '61; Craven co.
T. T. West, 2d Sergeant, e. May 1st, '62; Craven co.
W. E. Chenlett, 3d Sergeant, e. August 1st, '61; Craven co.
C. S. Nixon,.4th Sergeant, e. June 25th, '61; Craven co.
L. Nixon, 5th Sergeant, e. March 16th, '62; Craven co. Edward A. Kilpatrick, 1st Corporal, e, Angust 10th, '61; Craven co. Benjamin R. Williams, 2d Corporal, e. June 26th, '61; Craven co. John H. Powers, 3d Corporal, e. July 1st, '61; Craven co. William Pitt, 4th Corporal; Craven co;


Arnold, William W., e; March 6th, '62; Craven co. Andrews, Levi B., e. September 2d; '62;, Craven co. Alexander, Solomon M.; Craven co. Burch, Henry H., e. June 25th, '62; Craven co; Brinson, William H., e. January 1st, '61: Craven co, Barrington, William B., e. July 8th, '63; Craven co. Brinson, David H., e. July 25th, '61 : Craven co. Carmuda, James M., e. August 9th, '61; Craven co.. Cole, Charles, e. September 19th, '62; Craven co. Cuthrell, B. F., e. Angust 1st, '61; Craven co. Culwin, Nathan, e. Angust 20th, '61; Craven co.. Dixon, Hasten, e. June 25th,'62;. Craven; co. Dunghety, J. D., e. August 19th.'62; Craven co.       Edwards, B. F., e. May 1st. '62: Craven co. Edwards, W. S.. e. May 1st, '63; Craven co, Griffin, J. E. January 1st. '62; Craven co. Howard, Frank, e. June 27th, '62; Craven co. Hodges. M. L., e. April 10th, '61; Craven co. Hawkins, M. I., e. August 31st, '62; Craven co. Hawkins, F., e. August 26th. '63; Craven co. Ivlin, Humphrey. e. September 27th, '62; Craven co. Jones, Josiah, e. August. '61; Craven co. Jones, Samuel, e. August 8th, '63; Craven co. Keel, George W., e. April 23th, '63: Craven co. Keel, Benjamin H. e. April 25th, 62; Craven co. Kilpatrick, James L., e. March 1st, '62; Craven co. Lewis, Bryan W., e. September '63; Craven co. Lewis. Elias H., e. February lst, '62: Craven co. Morgan, Cyrus I, e. July 11th, '62; Craven co. Miller, James A., e. June 28th. '63: Craven co. Miller, J. N., e. January 12th. '61; Craven co. McCotten, Joseph. e. July 6th. '6l: Craven co. Mclntosh, Henry, e. August 1st, '61: Craven co. Mclntosh, Forney, e. July 1st, '62: Craven co. Martin, James W., e. November 1st, '61; Craven co. Martin, Sumner, e. August 19th, '61: Craven co. Miller, Wm. H., e. June 26th, '63; Craven co. Morris, Samuel D., e. January 1st, '64; Craven co. Morris, Wm. C.. e. January 10th, '61; Craven co. Muse, James, e. June 25th, '62; Craven co. Myers, Thomas H. e. January 16th, '63; Craven co. Oxley, Augustus W., e. August 20th, '61; Craven co. Owen, James, e. July 10th, '61; Craven co. Powell, George W., e. August 6th. '61; Craven co. Powell, Henry, e. September 4th, '61: Craven co. Powell, H. W., e. October 15th. '61; Craven co. Pittman, Henry L., e. January 1st, '63; Craven co. Paul, Stephen, e. August 20th. '61, Craven co. Rice, Gideon B., e. October 7th, '61; Craven co. Rouse, John W., e. August 1st,'61; Craven co. Rhem, John W., e. December 1st, '62; Craven co. Riggs, Irvin D., e. June 25th, '61; Craven co. Rowe, Wiley A., e June 26th, '61; Craven co. Squires, John, e. June 25th, '61; Craven co. Stilly, R. F., e. June 25th, '61; Craven co. Spain, Redmond, e. June 16th, '63: Craven co. Stilly, Stephen W., e. April 8th, '63; Craven co. Smith, Noah, e. May 1st. '62; Craven co. Smith, David C., e. May 1st, '62; Craven co. Sawyer, John, e. October 7th, '61; Craven co. Swindell, David, e. April 25th, '63; Craven co. Teer, William, e. June 27th, '62; Craven co. Tingle, Andrew, e. January 1st, '63; Craven co. West, A. C., e. July 4th, '61; Craven co, Whitehurst, H. C., e. September 25th, '62; Craven co. Williams, Charles, e. April 1st, '63; Craven co, Witherington, Knel, e. April lst, '63: Craven co. Whenston, George, e. July 1st, '61; Craven co. Wise, S. J., e. June 20th, '61; Craven co. Wolfenden, J. J., e. April 1st, '63; Craven co. Wilkes, S. R.,. e. April 25th, '63; Craven co. White, Edward J., e. May 1st, '62; Craven co. Winn, Henry, e. February 1st, '63.


D. W. Edwards, Captain. cm, January 6th, '63.
Theo. Edwards, 1st Lieutenant, cm. January 6th, '63.
John Patrick, 2d Lieutenant, cm, January 6th, '63.
Owen J. Pate, 2d Lieutenant, cm, January 6th, '63.


F. W. Barnes, 1st Sergeant, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co.
W. Farmer, 2d Sergeant, e. January 22d., '62; Wilson co.
Thomas Hilliard, 3d Sergeant, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co.
W. H. Edwards, 4th Sergeant, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co.
R. H. Powell, 5th Sergeant, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co.
J. L. Finch, 1st Corporal, e. January 22d,'62; Wilson co.
W. V. Renfrow. 2d Corporal, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co.
Robert Raper, 3d Corporal, e. January 22d. '62; Wilson co.
S. J. Deele, 4th Corporal, e. January 12d, '62; Wilson co.


Adams, E. A., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Adams, J. H., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Atkinson, A., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Atkinson, C., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Abernathy, J. C., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Amerson, E., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Barnes, John T., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Barnes, P. L., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Bailey, John L., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Bailey, Redmond, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Bell, J. J., e, January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Baker, James, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Bass, Jere., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Bass, Isaac, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson Co. Deans, R. R., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Davis, John, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Everett, William, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Ellis, James L., e; January 22d, '62; Wilson co, Farmer, Isaac T., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Farmer, Ceborne, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co.     P. 137 Farmer, Joseph, e. January 22d. '62; Wilson co. Farmer, J. D., e. January 22d. '62; Wilson co. Farmer, John S., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Finch, T, C., e, January 22d, '62: Wilson co. Flour, John, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Godwin, J. H., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Godwin, O. D., e. January 22d. '62; Wilson co. Godwin. T. T., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Godwin, Ransom, e. January 22d. '62: Wilson co. Griffin, J. J., e. January 22d, 62; Wilson co. Hanes, J, K., e. January 22d, '62: Wilson co. Hanes, Willis, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Hays, L, M., e. January 22d, '62: Wilson co. Hennans, J. H., e, January 22d. '62; Wilson co. Jenkins, Henry, e. January 22d,'62; Wilson Co. Jordan, Corneilus, e. January 22d, '62: Wilson co. Johnston. W., e, January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Lamb, Lary, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Louis, B. B., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co, Lucas. W. D., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Mason, Robert, e. January 22d, '62: Wilson co. Mattocks, W. R., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Mercer, W. H., e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Oliver, Daniel, e. January 22d, '62; Wilson co. Owens, Kitchen, e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Perry, W. E., e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Perry, W, K., e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Pittman, Joseph, e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Pittman, Warren, e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Robins, Elias, e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Robins, James R., e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Snead, W. B., e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Stocks, Wm., e, January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Strickland, W. D., e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Tomlinson. L. D., e. January 2d. '62; Wilson co. Thorn, R. C., e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Thigpen, Lafayette, e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Thigpen, John S., e, January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Ward, G. W., e. January 2d. '62; Wilson co. Whitehead, J. G., e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Weaver, Benjamin, e. January 2d, '62; Wilson co. Williamson, Thomas, e. January 22. '62: Wilson co.


Daniel A. Cogdell, Captain, cm. February 2lst '63; Craven co.
Joseph W. Brothers, 1st Lieutenant. cm. February 21st. '63: Craven co.
Wm. P. Lane, 2d Lieutenant, cm. February 21st, "63; Craven co.
David Cogdell, 2d Lieutenaut, cm. January 2d, '63; Craven co.


Charles A. White, Captain. cm. Feb. 10th, '63
Joseph M White, 1st Lieutenant. cm. Feb. 10th. '63
Weekes H. Clark. 2d Lieutenant, cm. Feb. 10th, '63
Lewis H. White. 2d Lieutenant, cm. Feb. 10th, '63


Robert N. Stanton, 1st Sergeant, e, January 15th, '63
N. N. Hathaway, 2d Sergeant, e. January 15th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63
Asa Barnes, 3d Sergeant, e. January 15th, '63
Joseph H. Humphrey, 4th Sergeant. e. Januarv 1st, '63
Alex. W. West, 5th Sergeant, e. January 10th, '63
Wm. P. Newbern, 1st Corporal, e. January 1st, '63
John H. Burney, 2d Corporal, e. January 10th. '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross   Roads November 25th. '63
Evan E. Nobles, 3d Corporal, e. January 15th, '63
James Ringgold, 4th Corporal. e. February 1st, '63

Alexander, W. Paul, e. January Ist, '63, Arnold, Joseph, e. June 15th, '63. Arnold, BuIant, e, June 15th, '63, Buck, Noah A., e. February 8th, '63, Beddard, William, e. January 15th, 'G3. Corbet, Allen, e. February 1st, '63, Cowan, Allen, e. January 20th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25, '63. Cox, Jesse A., e. January 15'th, '63. Cox. Guilford, e. January 15th, '63: Cox, Abram, e. September 1st, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63. Cox, Archibald, e. June15th, '63. Cannon, David, e, July 21st, '63. Dixon, E. 0., e. January 8th, '63. Deal, Theophilus, e. January 15th, '63. Edwards, Thomas M. e. January 15th, '63. Ewell, Jas. J., e. January 15th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63. Emory, Wm., e, January 19th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov, 25th, '63. Evvards. John A., e. June 25th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63. Foust, S. B,, e, January 15th. '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63, Frizzell, W. T.. e. January 1st, '63. Filer, Basil, e. February 1st, .63: pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63. Forbes, James H., e. August 18th, '63. Gray, Alexander, e. January 16th,'63; pr. near Haddock:'s Cross Roads Nov. 25th. '63. Gray, James H., e, January 15th, '61 Gaskins, R. T., e. January 1st, '61. Griffin, C. M., e. January 19th. '63. Hodge, Matthew, e. January 15th, '63. Herrington, Joab, e. January 15th, '63. Hudson, H. H., e. February 8th, '63. Harris, James F., e. November 20th, '63. Haddock, A., e. June 16th, '63: pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63. Jackson, Major, e. January 15th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Poads November 25th, '63. Jackson, John, e. January 15th, '63. Jackson, James S., e. February 1st, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63. Jones, James, e. January 15th, '63 Laughinghouse, Forney. e. February 1st, '63. Moore. Franklin, e. Januarv 15th, '63. Manning, Green, e. May 1st. '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63. McLawhorne, B. F., e. January 15th, '63. McLawhorne, Jonathan, e. February Ist. '63, Mills, Jesse B., e. April 1st, '63. Moye, James C., e. November 20th, '63. McCotter, Robert B., e. May 20th, '63; pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63. Oxley, C. C., e. January 15th, '63. Philllps,Thomas, e. November 1st, '63; tr. to Co. E, 67th Reg't. Peyton, Oliver, e. January 15th, '63. Pusser, Joshua, e. April 15th, '63. Parramore, W. B., e. April 15th, '63: pr. near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25 th. '63. Page, Bartholomew, e. June 15th, '63. Quinn, George W., e. January 20th, '63. Quinn, B. W., e, May 11th, '63; tr. Smith, Abner, e. January 1st, '63 Smith, D. C., e. January 1st, '63; pr, near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63. Simmons, John A., e. January 15th, '63; pr, near Haddock's Cross Roads Nov. 25th, '63. Sloan, James R., e, January 28th, '63. Skeans, Jesse S.. e. January 20th, '63; pr, near Haddock's Cross Roads November 25th, '63. Smith, Lewis W., e. February 1st, '63. Smith, Robert, e. February 1st, '63. Smith, Alfred, e. January 1st, '63. Sutton, James R., e. April 14th, '63; pr. Nov. 25th, '63. Stokes, Samuel, e. January 24th, '63. Stokes, Thomas W. Stokes, Edward, e., November 1st, '63. Tripp, Thomas, e. January 15th, '63. Wingate, Henry, e. January. 1st, '63. Wilson, Joseph, e. November 1st, '63. Wilson, James, e. November 1st '63. Williams, Joel, e. April 1st, '63. Witherington, Alfred, e. June 1st, '63. Wilson, Robert W. Williams, Thomas, e. January 1st, '63.


David P. Whitford, Captain, cm. July 20th, '63; Craven co.
John J. Bunn, lst Lieutenant. cm. July 29th, '63; Craven co.
James H Marshall, 2d Lieutenant, cm. July 20th; '63; Craven co.
James F. Heath, 2d Lieutenant, cm. July 20th, '63: Craven co.


Asa W. Jones, Captain, cm. June 30th. '63
David W. Wood, lst Lieutenant, cm. September 17th, '63
George B. McCotter, 2d Lieutenant, cm. August 21st, '63
Philetus Pittrnan, 2d Lieutenant, cm. January 3d, '64


Christopher D. Foy, Captain, cm. June 25th, '63
John Barcliff Wooten, 1st Lieutenant, cm. August 12th, '63
Alfred Houston, 2d Lieutenant, cm. August 20rd, '63
Edward Mattocks, 2d Lieutenant, cm. August 26th, '63


Edward Houston,1st Sergeant
D. R. Ambrose, 2d Sergeant
Lewis Smith, 3d Sergeant
F. Kilpatrick, 4th Sergeant
T. L. Blackwell, 5th Sergeant
John W. Williams, 1st Corporal
William Houston, 2d Corporal
Jeremiah Williams, 3d Corporal
Wilson Halso, 4th Corporal


Amyett, Amos, e. August 20th, '62; Jones co. Avery, John E., e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Alphin Jesse, e. JuIy 12th, '62; Lenoir co. Arnold, Freeman, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Arnold, Bryan, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Bailey, Clement, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Bagley, Henry, e. July 12th, '62: Craven co. Baker, William J, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co.; pr. Aug 5th, '62. Brock, Robert M, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Ballard, William R., e. August 12th, '62; Jones co. Butts, Samuel J., e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Blizzard, Alexander, e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Blizzard, E. H., e. August 20th, '62; Duplln co. Boyett, John W., e. July 12th, '62; Duplin co. Blake, Jacob, e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Chambers, John W., e. July 21st,, '62; Duplin co; Cole, Joseph, e. July 21st, '62; Duplin co. Cottle, McDaniel, e. August 6th, '62; Duplin co. Costan, James, e. August 7th, '62; Duplin co. Commock, Geo. W., e. August 29th, '62; Craven co; pr. Aug. 5th, '62. Deal, John, e. July 21st, '62; Duplin co. pr. Aug. 5th, '62. Doherty George W., e. July 12th, '62: Craven co.; pr Aug. 5th, '62. Doherty, Hardy, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co.; pr. Aug. 5th, '62 Dunar, John, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Dixon, Robert, e. August 20th, '62; Duplln co. Fussell, John G., e. August 20th. '62; Duplin co. Fussell, Stephen, e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Foy, E. W., e. August 20th, '62; Northampton co. Fountain, J. W, e. August 20th, '62; Northampton co. Frederick, N. F., e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Goodson, George W., e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Gradey, Elisha, e. July 2lst, '62; Duplin co. Gooding, F. C. G., e. July 2lst, '62; Craven co. Gooding, Stephen, e. August 20th, '62; Lenoir co, Huggins, James F., e. August 6th, '62; Jones co. Houston, W. C., e. August 6th, '62; Duplin co. Henderson, Elza, e. July 21st, '62; Duplin co. Heath, Jesse, e. July 12th, "62; Craven co.; pr. August 5th, '62 Heath, William, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Henderson, L. H (I.N.??), e. August 15th. '62; Onslow co. Henderson, Nixon, e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Harrison, James L, e. August 20th, '62; Jones co. Jones, Riley, e. July 21th, '62; Duplin co. Kornegay, Daniel, e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Kennedy, John W, e. August 20th, '622; Duplin co.; dt. Kennedy, Hillor., e, Augast 20th, '62; Onslow co, Kinsey, Thomas, e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Lanier, W. W., e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Lloyd, Thomas, e. August 20th, '62; Onslow co. McCoy, Alexander, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. McCrary, H. F., e. August 4th, '62; Davidson co. Morton, David, e, July 12th, '62; Craven co. Marshburn, A., e. July 12th, '62; Duplin co. Marshall, Joseph, e. August 15th, '62; Onslow co. Maready, O., e. August 20th, '62; Duplin co. Marshburn, James M., e. August, '62; Dupllin co. Mallow, A. B, e. July 21st, '62; Duplin co. Moore, James, e. August 20th, '62; Onslow co. Morton, A. D., e. August 20th, '62: Onslow co. Nobles, Kinsey, e. August 20th, '62; Lenoir co. Oglesby F. V., e. July 12th, '62; Lenoir co.; dt. Patrick, Augustus, e. July 12th, '62; Pitt co. Powell, A. W., e. July 21st, '62; Duplin co. Pickett, J. V., e. August 20th, '62; Onslow co. Raney, Timothy W., e. August 11th, '62; Duplin co. Rayner, John L., e. July 21st, '62; Duplin co. Rayner, John .T., e. July 21st., '62; Duplin co. Rhodes, George C., e. July 21st, '62; Duplin co. Stimpson, E. F., e. August 4th, '62; Davidson co. Smith, Elias, e. August 6th, '62; Lenoir co. Sears, Alexander, e. August 20th, '62; Lenoir co. Swimpan, Jacob, e. August 20th, '62; Onslow oo. Taylor, Joseph, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Wilson, Mack, e. July 7th, '62; Onslow co. Williams, Harper, e. July 21st,'62; Duplin co. Williams, John A., e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. White, Robert, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co.; pr. August 5th, '62 White, Eli, e. July 12th: '62; Craven co.; pr. August 5th, '62. White, Richard, e. July 12th,'62; Craven co.; pr. August 5th,'62. White, Willliam, e. July 12th, '62; Craven co. Williams, Robert J., e. July 21st, '62: Duplin co. Williams, Evans, e. August 19th, '62; Lenoir co.


Edward F. White, Captain, cm. September 22d, '63; Pitt co.
Wm. W. Tucker, 1st Lieutenant, cm, September 22d, '63; Pitt co.
George W. White, 2d Lieutenant, cm, September 21d, '63; Pitt co.
James K. P. Neathery, 2d Lieutenant, cm. November 20th, '63 Pltt co.


Charles E. Peterson, 1st Sergeant, e. July 16th, '63; Pitt co.
Benjamin P. Winfield, 2d Sergeant, e. July 20th, '63; Pitt co.
Guilford Moore, 3d Sergeant, e. August 1st, '63; Pitt co.
James A. Cory, 4th Sergeant, e. February 15th, '63:; tr, from Co. E, of Whitford's Battalion
Charles Elks, 5th Sergeant, e. April 12th, '63; tr. from Co, E, of Whitford's Battalion
John Godly, 1st Corporal, e. April 12th; '63
Abel Smith, 2d Corporal, e. August 13th. '63; Pitt co.; tr. from Co. E. of Whitfords Battalion
Wyatt Gardner, 3d Corporal, e. July 17th, '63
F. Jones, 4th Corporal. e. January 12th, '63


Bradley, Jesse W., e, July 3d, '63; Pitt co.; tr. from Co. E. of Whitford's Battalion. Barrington, W. H., e. April 1st, '63. Barden. J. V.. e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.; tr. to 27th Regiment. Belcher, Sherwood, e. September 13th, '63; Pitt co. Corbett, Wiley, e. July:3d, '64; Pitt co.; tr. from Co. E. of Whitford's Eattalion. Clark, John, e. August 3d, '63; Pitt co. Campbell A. E., e. July 2d. '63; Pitt co, Cox, Josiah, e. July 10th, '63; Pitt co. Cox, Abram, e. July 2d, '63; Pitt co. Clark, W. H., e. July 3d, '63: Pitt co.Cox, Thomas, e. July 1st, '63; Pitt co. Cobb, James, e. July 17th, '63; Pitt co. Cobb, Stephen, e. July 20th; '63; Pitt co. Cox, Joseph, e. September 13th, '63; Pitt co.; dt. musician. Carrol, John. e. October 15th. '63; Pitt co. Deal, Matthew, e. August 14th, '63; Pitt co. Daugherty, Alfred, e. January 17th, '63; Pitt co.; tr. from Co. E, Whitford's Battalion. Daugherty, Richard, e. January 1st, '63; Pitt co.; tr. from Co. E. Whitford's Battalion. Downs, Kinyan, e July 1st, '63; Pitt co. Davis, W. J., e. July 16th, '63; Pitt co. Dixon, E. S., e. July 2d, '63; Pitt co. Dixon, Samuel J., e. July 15th, '63; Pitt co. Daniel, John L., e. July lst, '63; Pitt co. Deal, William, e. October 1st, '63; Pitt co. Evans, E. M.. e. July 1st, '63; Pitt co. Evans, Eph., e. January 17th, '64: tr. from Co. E, Whitford's Bat. Ellis, George B., e. July 3d, '63; Pitt co. Evans, Henry, e. October 1st,'63; Pitt co. Edwards, W. H., e. July 20th, '63: Pitt co. Elks, Jacob, e. September 20th, .63; Pitt co. Flemming, James, e. August 1st, '63: Pitt co. Forbes, John, e. September 22d, '63; Pitt co. Grizzard, Jesse, e. August 5th, '63; Pitt co, Galloway, James, e. July 1st, '63: Pitt co. Harris, A. J., e, January 1st. '63; tr. from Co. E, Whitford's Bat. Haddock, W. H., e. July 10th. '63; Pitt co. Harris, Thomas, Jr., e. July 15th, '63; Pitt co. Harper, Frank, e. July 10th,'63; Pitt co. Harris, Thomas, Sr., e. July 15th, '63; Pitt co. Hathaway, Frank, e July 17th, '63; Pitt co. Keel, Simon, e. July 20th, '63; Pitt co. Manning, H., e. August 1st, '63; Pitt co. Mills, Edward, e. October 1st, '63; Pitt co. Mills, Willliam, e, October 25th, '63: Pitt co. Moseley, William, e, October 23th. '63; Pitt co. Porter, A. T., e. July 1st, '63; Pitt co. Pollard, Riddick, e. July 2d, '63; Pitt co. Pollard, Stanly, e. August 3d, '63; Pitt co. Slaughter, Theo., e, August 8th, '63. Stocks, Henry, e, July 2d, '63; Pitt co.: pr. near Washington October 11th, '63. Stocks, Roderick, e. July 2d, '63: Pitt co. Smith, J. A., e. August 15th, '63; Pitt co. Spain, F., e. July 20th, '63; Pitt co. Tripp, Lean, e. October 15th, '63; Pitt co. Teel, Richard, e. July 20th, '63; Pitt co. Vinson, Andrew, e. July 30th, '63; Pitt co. Watson, Nathan, e. June 30th, '63; Pitt co.: tr. from Co. E. of Whitford's Battalion. Watson, F. L., e, January 1st, '63: Pitt co. : tr. from Co. E, of Whitford's Battalion. Watson, L. J., e. January 1st; '63: Pitt co.: tr. from Co. E, of Whitford's Battalion. Windham, J. A.. e. July 2d, '63: Pitt co. Willoughby, John, e. August 4th, '63; Pitt co.; tr. to 17th Reg't, Webb, Wm., e. September 30th. '63; Pitt co.


Joseph D. Myers, Captain. cm. July 20th, '63
W. R. Bass, Captain
Wm. S. Taylor. 1st Lieutenant, cm. September 1st,'63
Reddin C. Barden, 1st Lieutenant.
Josiah W, Smith., 2d Lieutenant, cm. Feb. 2d, '63
Erastus Smith, 2d Lieutenant, Feb. 2d, 63


W. B. Balance, 1st Sergeant, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.
Isaiah Seymore, 2d Sergeant, e. February 2d. '63; Wayne co.
W. J. Outlaw, 3d Sergeant. e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.
W. F. Smith, 4th Sergeant, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.
John N. Vick, 5th Sergeant, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.
Bennett Pope, 1st Corporal, e. February 2d. '63; Wayne co.; p. Sergeant.
W. H. Daniel, 2d Corporal, e. February 2d. '63; Wayne co.
John Brown, 3d Corporal, e. February 24, '63; Wayne co.
Burwell Shading, 4th Corporal, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.


Aycock, Barnes, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Barnes, William, e. February 2d. '63: Wayne co. Blow, J. R., e. February 24, '63; Wayne co. Blow, W. H., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Barnes, Thomas, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.; d. March 15th. '63. Baker, Henry, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Barnes, J. A., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Barnes. J. B., e. February 2d, '63: Wayne co. Bass, Esau, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Coley. John, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Coley, P. C., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Copeland, William, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Dickens, B. A., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.: d. April 17th, '63. Davis, Daniel, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Darden, Needham, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co, Dean, Henderson, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Etheridge, Calvin, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.: tr. from Co. A, 8th Battalion. Farrell, 0liver, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Forehand, Bryant, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Forehand, Joseph, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Fail, W. D., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Grant, Caleb, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Ginn, Dawson, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Garris, Stephen, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.; k. April 17th, '63. Hails, John, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Hardee, J. J. e. February 2d,'63; Wayne co. Howell, J. W., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Hill, A. H., e, February 2d. '63; Wayne co. Holland, Thomas, e. February 2d, '63: Wayne co. Holland, Charles, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.: d. March 12th, '63. Hardee, J. T., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co, Ham, Burwell, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Hill, Lemuel, e. February 2d, '63: Wayne co. Hooks, Robert, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Hooks, Hardy, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Ham, Joseph, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Hamilton, A. H., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.; tr. from Co. H, 8th Battalion, Jones, J. B., e. February 2d. '63; Wayne co.: tr. from Co. H, 8th Battalion. Langston, Daniel, e. February 2d, '63: Wayne co. Lane, Bryant, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Lancaster, Levi, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Lancaster, Joshua, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Langley, Willis, e. February 24, '63; Wayne co. Mishew, Bryant, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Overman, W. T., e. February 24, '63; Wayne co. Outland, Raymond, e. February 24, '63: Wayne co. Pate, Joseph, e. February 24, '63; Wayne co. Pate, C. P., e, February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Peel, Johnson, e. February 2d '63; Wayne co. Privett, J. C., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Pennington, L. P. E., e. February 1st, '63; Wayne co.: p. Corporal and tr. from Co. A, 8th Battalion. Redford, Henry, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Raw, Gaston, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Smith, B. T., e. February 2d. '63; Wayne co.: tr. from Co. A, 8th Battalion. Sullivan, Raffin, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Sullivan, Russel, e. February 2d, '62; Wayne co. Screw, Lewis, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Sasser, Howell, e. February 2d. '63; Wayne co. Smith, 0liver, e. February 2d, '62; tr. from N. C. R. R. Bridge Co. Smith, Bartemus, e. February 2d, '63: Wayne co.; tr. from Co. A, 8th Batt. Smith, Fennel, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.; tr. from Co. A.. 8th Batt. Taylor, B, W., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.: p. Corporal. Toler, Tobias, e. February 2d, '63: Wayne co, Tripp, B, F., e. February 2d. '63: Wayne co. Taylor, J. P., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.; tr. from Co. A. 8th Bat. Vann, I. K., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Vick, P. E., e, February 2d, '63: Wayne co.: tr. to 23d Regiment. Vaughn, N. H., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Vick, J. N., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. West, Hezekiah, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. West, Rufus, e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co. Witherington, J. W.. e. February 2d. '63; Wayne co.: tr. Williams, J. P., e. February 2d, '63; Wayne co.