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Links Cherif and Fans might enjoy

In researching Cherif in interviews done with him to help with this web site I have gathered some links to some places that I think he would enjoy visiting as well as his fans....Of course if he had time to enjoy hobbies:o)

Page last updated 09/11/00
Here is a new link that I received to some really great pictures of Cherif and model Terri Byrne
Romance Gallery

For his Martial Arts Interests
Black Belt
Martial Arts Network

For his interest in Andalusian Stallions
Andalusian Stallions
Directory of Andalusian Stallions

For part of his birthplace-Montreal
Canada through a tourist eyes
Destination Quebec

For his love of Medieval Stuff
Middle Ages Exhibits
Medieval Art
More Medieval Links-Instruments, etc.
Medieval Theater
Medieval History
Short Story
Medieval Times
Enter the Realm

Knighthood- jousting, art, etc.
Jousting E-Zine called the Guild
Great Jousting site
Jousting Club

kick boxing
Kick Boxing
Want to know more about kick boxing competitions?
Another great kick boxing Link
Another look at kick boxing

Scuba Diving
Scuba Times
Dive Directory

Mountain biking
Mountain Biking
Great Bike site

To go back to the main site-Main Site