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Poetry for Cherif and Stacy E. Walker

Updated 06/01/00
Knight Time Story
Beware of her, for she is The Lady In Red.
Her claim to fame is the one cool, autumn night,
And of this, she is not afraid to confess....
When she betrayed a brave, valiant knight.
He rode proudly on his white, snorting steed,
And journeyed forth in the cause of The Quest.
He was such a young, stouthearted knight indeed,
Considered by some to be among the very best.
Riding through town he saw her in the village square,
Where the guilded town folk gathered and danced.
When she winked at him, he smiled without a care,
No words exchanged, just a lover's long glance.
Riding along, he could not help but smell her perfume,
While she was dressed in a fine, red leather gown.
Enchanted by her, he could not sense his own doom,
When he saw laces wrapped here, there and around.
Through the window pane the full moon looked so bright.
High above, stars passed as in processional fair.
In the dark the candle flickered soft and bright with light,
While his fingers slipped through her flowing red hair.
Later that night, he got out of his plate armor,
Not knowing that she was still dressed in kind.
Just like a bird trapped in a hungry cat's cage,
For her, it was only a short matter of time....
When the order of knights found his body that week,
They mournfully placed it in a body sac.
They found her red lipstick kiss on his smiling cheek,
With her stealthy kill-dagger stuck in his back.
by Lancelot

A Knight In Disguise
© by AngelWinks
There once was a man
with a beautiful smile
He walked into her life
and again made her feel worthwhile.
He listened with his heart
let her cry all her tears
Held her close and stroked her hair
letting her know she had no more pain to fear.
This man was truly amazing
always giving and not taking
He gave her back her smiles and laughter
And she sensed a special bond they were making.
There once was a man
Whose voice could melt her heart
When he whispered tender words in her ear
Her world became full of light and no longer dark.
So, you see, that lady
was truly quite sure
That the man was a knight in disguise
With a heart and soul so loving and pure.
©AngelWinks 2000

Since I have read Cherif has a little girl I thought I
would put this poem in this section..

Daddy's Angel by, Max The Poet ©2000
She means more to me, than life,
She's the wish I'd once dreamt,
She is an Angel, sent by God,
To ease my heart's lament.
She's my daughter, my prize,
The gleam within my eyes,
I love her more than anything,
And I hate it when she cries.
She gives me hope, she gives me love,
And her hugs, they are the best,
She is all I ever dreamed of,
Apart from all the rest.
Her love is unconditional,
It comes straight from her heart,
Lifting me up when I am blue,
As she did right from the start.
I love my daughter with all my heart,
She's an Angel from above,
She has given me more than I can give,
She taught me how to "love".
By Max-
For his daughter McKenzie Rose
Copyright By ~ Max the Poet ~

The Lost Unicorn
Oh how in our childlike hearts still we mourn
The passing of the Unicorn.
Of gentle beauty and infinite grace,
A creature unfit for our worlds pace.
Yet Wait! For who's to say?

Perhaps even now in some far distant forest glade,
There still moves quietly in the cool and leafy shade.
That timeless creature of a golden age,
That spirit of a shining dawn,
That magic beast The Unicorn.

Something for both Cherif and Stacy E. Walker
~Occasionally, we are graced with the presence of an
earth bound angel. They are unable to stay with us for
long, but while they do, they bring unprecedented joy
and happiness to all they touch. While they are here,
we bask in their goodness and marvel at their
contribution to the world. When they
leave, we are left with the devastation that comes
with losing such a wonderful being...but we must
remember...the earth bound angels are not ours to
keep. They are ours to enjoy, learn from, and behold
until they return home.~

I know none of us are truly "Angels" but thank you both
for being such great people!

Magnetic Moon Of Love
by Marge Tindal

Have you ever seen the moon so low
that it touched the earth's horizon?
Have you ever seen it shine so bright,
that even the stars are hiding?
I have seen it crescent.
I have seen it full.
I have seen it hallowed,
with such magnetic pull.
The force that rules the ocean,
and the hearts of woman and man.
The pull of emotions
when shining full across the land.
What a source of energy,
encased within it's orb.
Energy cascading
causing hearts to soar.

Our True Love
I would walk the earth
a thousand times
to hold you in my arms.
We will share a love to
which there can be no equal.

When I look into your eyes,
it becomes hard to breathe
& a warm feeling travels
through out my entire body.

When our lips touch we will
taste the love that others
can only dream about.

I will stand by your side
until the end of time.
If you become sad & tears
fall, we will cry together,
for your tears are my tears
& we will share them until
the sadness passes.

If you become ill, I will
stay close to you & bring
you back to health.

If you become worried, I
will comfort you & show you
a brighter side that will
soon bring your smile back.
We will share all the good
moments as well as the bad.

When we hold each other
close, our hearts will beat
as one as we are becoming
part of each other. I will
stand with you, heart, body
& soul, always & forever.

This is my pledge to you my love

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