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This 22 day of January in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight. In the Name of God Amen, I Reuben BENSON being of sound and perfect mind and memory (blessed be God) do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say after resigning my body to the dust and my soul to God I divide my earthly estate as follows; Viz -

Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Fanny BENSON the Easterly part of the Plantation where I now live and the flats in front of it beginning at a cypress on the Lake side near a Holly to the westward of the gardin running South to the back line of William CARAWAN's patent during her life and at her decease I give unto my two sons Carrowon BENSON and John BENSON the sd. Part of mentioned land and the flats in front of it beginning at the cypress before mentioned on the Lake side,

I give and bequeath unto the child of my beloved wife Fanny BENSON is now pregnant with the Westerly part of the Plantation where I now live and the flats front of it and if the sd. child shall decease without any heir the sd. westerly part of land to go back to my two sons, Carrowon BENSON and John BENSON.

Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Fanny BENSON one negro man by the name of Bob, and one negro woman by the name of Vilet during her life after her decease the two sd. negroes and increase to be equally divided among my children.

Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Fanny BENSON one horse by the name of gray one plow two hoes one cart and harness.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my son John BENSON Three Hundred acres of land by estimation on the Poplar Ridge on the West side of the middle line the land I bought of Mannin CAROWON Washington CAROWON and Valentine SWINDELL one bed and furniture one mare by the name of Fly one gun steel mounted with one negro man by the name of Brian.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elenor BENSON One Hundred and Ten acres of land by estimation on the Poplar Ridge lying on the East side of the middle line the land I bought of Mannin CARROWON with seventy five acres of land lying on the Eastward part of the land at the head of Juniper Bay Creek with one negro woman by the name of Tary that I bought of Benners ENSLEY.

I Reuben BENSON of the County of Hyde and State of North Carolina do make this codicil to be taken as part of my Last Will and Testament as follows that is to say, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Susannah BENSON a tract of land on Juniper Bay lying on the West side of the Juniper Bay Ditch the land I bought of Jarvis CREDLE, In witness whereof I to this codicil annexed to my said Will have set my hand and seal the 22 day of January 1828.


Reuben BENSON (Seal)

Feby. Term 1828 Then was this Will returned unto Court & duly proven by the oaths of John GILES and David MURRAY the endorcers thereto & ordered to be recorded.

Test. Ben FORMAN Clk. Carrowon BENSON at same time qualified as Executor to the said,

Benj. FORMAN Clk.

SOURCE: Will Book 4, Page 344, Clerk of Court, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.