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Deed Book L, Page 460-461

State of North Carolina }
Hyde County } THIS INDENTURE made this thirty first day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one between Thomas BRIDGMAN of the one part and Major TULEY JR. of the other part, both of the county and state aforesaid, WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and twenty dollars to me in hand paid before the sealing and deliverying of these presents by Major TULEY the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself therewith fully satisfied, contented and paid have bargained and sold, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Major TULEY a certain piece or parcel of land lying on Swan Quarter on the East side of Swan Quarter Bay, beginning at the head of the Long Point Cove at a post running up through the marsh to another post as the edge of the woods, then with a line of marked trees to the back line of MASONs patent, then with the back line of MASONs patent to Easterly to the corner of Zachariah JARVIS patent, then with the Z. JARVIS line down to the oyster creek, then with the windings of the water to the beginning, containing one hundred and twenty acres of land more or less, I the said Thomas BRIDGMAN do for myself my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns do warrant and defend unto the said Major TULEY his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns and against the claim or claims of any other person or persons whatsoever that shall lay any right, title or claim unto the said land and premises with all appertanances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this day and date above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence

Thomas BRIDGMAN {Seal}

Hyde County Ss August Term 1801- This deed was duly proved in court by the oath of Zach. JARVIS an evidence thereto. Let it be registered.

Benjamin FOREMAN, C. S. C.

and registered the 24 of January 1802 by H. CLARK, P. R.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book M, Page 369

This Indenture made this 18th day of February in the year of our Lord 1804 Between Thomas BRIDGMAN of the State of No. Carolina and County of Hyde of the one part, and Joseph MCGOUND of the Said State and County of the other part, Witnesseth that the Said Thos. BRIDGMAN for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred and fifty pounds lawful money to him in hand paid by Joseph MCGOUND at and before the Sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof he the Said Thomas BRIDGMAN doth hereby Acknowledge, hath Bargained, Sold, and Conveyed and by these presents doth Bargain sell convey & Confirm unto the Said Jos. MCGOUND his heirs or assigns forever a Certain peice or parcel of Land Situate in the County of Hyde lying on the South Side of Mattamuskeet Lake on the So. Wt. Bay—Beginning at Nathan BOOMERs upper Corner tree a Cypress standing at the Lake Side, Running with the Lake Westerly 100 pole to a Juniper post thence a Southerly Course 80 po. to the patent line, then with the patent Line Eastly 100 poles to BOOMERs line, and from thence with BOOMERs line, to the first Station Containing fifty Acres. To have and to hold the above bargained Land and prems. Together with all and Singular the privileges and Emoluments unto the Same belonging or in anywise appertaining unto him the said Joseph MCGOUND his heirs or assigns forever, and the Said Thos. BRIDGMAN for himself his heirs Exrs. or assigns the Said Bargained prems. with the appertainances unto him the Said Joseph MCGOUND his heirs and assigns doth warrant and will forever defend by these presents Against the Claim or Claims of any person or persons Claiming the Same or any part thereof. In witness whereof the Said Thos. BRIDGMAN hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the day and date above written

Thos. BRIDGMAN {Seal}

Signed Sealed & delivered
In the presence of


Shadrack DANIELS

Hyde County Ss May Term 1804
This Deed was duly pd. in Court by the oath of Joseph DANIELS a witness thereto Let be Rd.


Rd. 19th of July 1804. Pr Henry CLARK P. R.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.