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Deed Book A, Page 111-112

North Carolina ~ Hyde County

To wit, To all Christian People to whome these presents shall come I John FOREMAN of the County and province aforesaid planter send greeting Know ye that I the said John FOREMAN for and in consideration of the natural affection which I have and do bare unto my well beloved son William FOREMAN for Divers other good causes and considerations me hereunto moving have given granted confirmed aliened enfeof assigned and set over and these presents do give grant confirm assign alien enfeor set unto the said William FOREMAN his heirs and assigns forever all that my tenement plantation tract of land lying on the north side of Machapongo Creek containing by estimation one hundred and sixty acres be the same more or less being the land I bought of John MONTGOMERY granted by pattent to Thomas WAIN as by the said pattent bearing date the fourth day of April Anno Dom. 1720 may more fully appear together will all houses outhouses gardens orchards fences and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise appurtaining together with one negro woman called Abigal now upon the plantation a black horse called Dick an iron pot five cows and calves runing upon the said plantation one large pewter dish six pewter plates two new pewter basons three sows and pigs upon the plantation two ewes a feather bed boulster and blankitts to have and to hold the said plantation and appurtenances together with the premises aforesaid unto him the said William FOREMAN his heirs and assigns to the only proper use of him the said William FOREMAN his heirs and assigns forever free and clear and freely and clearly acquited econerated and discharged of and from all manner of Incumbrances whatsoever the fee rents hereafter due only excepted. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty ninth day of December Anno Dom. 1740.

John FOREMAN {Seal}

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of

Benjamin LOOTH


Test: Jos. TART, Reg.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book A, Page 131-132

To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come greeting Know ye that I John FOREMAN of Hyde County in the province of North Carolina Planter and Margryt my wife in consideration of the form of one hundred and fifty pounds lawfull money of the said province to me paid by Richard SURMONT of the County and province aforesaid Merchant have granted bargained and sold aliened and confirmed unto the said Richard SURMONT and his heirs all that tract or parcile of land lying and being in Hyde County in the province aforesaid on the Northwest side of Machapongo River on JORDAN's Creek begining at a marked Oak standing on the Creek side runing down the Creek to where the Creek divides then across the neck the various courses up to the head of a gut then west southwest to John STAFFORDs line south of the first station containing by estimation one hundred and fifty acres more or less and all privileges and advantages to the said tract or percil of land now or at anytime heretofore belonging or appertaining and also all the estate right title claim and demand whatsoever of me the said John FOREMAN and Margryt my wife of in and to the same To Have and to hold the tract or parcile of land aforesaid with the appurtenances to the said Richard SURMONT his heirs and assigns forever and I the said John FOREMAN and Margryt my wife and our heirs the said tract or parcile of land with the appurtenances to the said Richard SURMONT his heirs and assigns against ourselves our heirs and all other persons shall and will warrant and forever defend to the said Richard SURMONT yielding and paying yearly and every year sixpence per hundred to his Majesty for every hundred acres. In witness whereof I the said John FOREMAN and Margryt my wife have hereunto put our hand and seals this July the 20th Day Anno Domi 1742.

John FOREMAN {Seal}

Margryt FOREMAN {Seal}

Sealed and delivered in presents of

William MARTIN


Test: Jos. TART, Reg.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book A, Page 175

To all people to whom these presents shall come John FOREMAN of Hyde County in Province of North Carolina planter sends greeting Now know ye that the said I John FOREMAN as well for and in consideration of his natural love and affection which he bareth unto his son Joshua FOREMAN also for the better maintainance livelyhood and performent of him the said Joshua FOREMAN have surrendered and yielded up and by these presents do surrender and yeild up to the said Joshua FOREMAN and his heirs a certain plantation or tract of land containing by estimation one hundred and seventy acres be the same more or less situate on the north side of Pungo Creek in Hyde County in the province aforesaid and also all the plantation messuage and premises together with a negro boy called Charles eight cows runing at the aforesaid plantation a feather bed and furniture one sorrile mare one iron pot one pewter dish six pewter plates two basons so that neither the said John FOREMAN nor his heirs nor assigns may have claim challange or demand the aforesaid premises or any part thereof or any interest on or to the same but that he the said John FOREMAN shall at all times hereafter from all right title or interest of and in the said estate and every part thereof be bared and forever excluded by these presents and the said John FOREMAN for himself his heirs and assigns do covenant and grant to and with the said Joshua FOREMAN his heirs and assigns that and they shall at all times hereafter peacably and quietly enter into have hold occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the estate above mentioned and every part thereof without any trouble set hinderance molestation interuption or denial of the said John FOREMAN his heirs and assigns. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of Septermber, one thousand seven hundred and forty four.

John FOREMAN {Seal}

Signed sealed and delivered in presents of us

Thomas LOACH

Elizabeth LOACH


Test: Jos. TART, Reg.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book A, Page 176

To all people to whom these presents shall come John FOREMAN of Hyde County in province of North Carolina sends greeting Now know ye that I the said John FOREMAN as well for and in consideration of his natural love and affection which bareth unto his son Joseph FOREMAN as also for the better maintainance lively hood and performent of him the said Joseph FOREMAN have surrendered and yielded up and by these presents do surrender and yield up to the said Joseph FOREMAN and his heirs a certain plantation or tract of land containing by Estimation two hundred and sixty five acres be the same more or less situate on the Easternmost branch of the North dividing Creeks in Hyde County in the province aforesaid and also all the plantation Messuage and premises together with a negro girl called Temp five cows one mare and colt one bed and furniture six plates one dish and one bason pewter, one iron pot and one small table two chairs so that neither the said John FOREMAN nor his heirs nor assigns may have claim challange or demand the aforesaid premises or any part thereof or any interest of in or to the same but that the said John FOREMAN shall at all times hereafter of and from all right title or interest of and in the said estate and every part thereof be bared and forever excluded by these presents and the said John FOREMAN for himself his heirs and assigns do covenant and grant to and with the said Joseph FOREMAN his heirs and assigns that he and they shall at all times hereafter peacably and quietly enter into have hold occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the estate above mentioned and every part thereof without any trouble set hinderance molestation interruption or denial of the said John FOREMAN his heirs and assigns. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of Septermber One thousand seven hundred and forty four.

John FOREMAN {Seal}

Signed sealed and delivered in presents of us

Thomas LOACH

Elizabeth LOACH


Test: Jos. TART, Reg.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.