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In the Name of God Amen, I Benjamin MARTIN of the Town of Woodstock in the County of Hyde and State of North Carolina, Cooper, being far advanced in years but of sound mind and memory do make my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following viz.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Rebecah FOREMAN one negro man named Sam. I give and bequeath to my daughter Edna HANCOCK one negro wench named Rose.

I give and bequeath to the children of my daughter Abigal FOREMAN decd. one negro girl named Patt to be equally divided amongst them. I give and bequeath to Elizabeth STEWART my grand daughter one negro girl named Temp likewise a young horse or the value thereof at the option of my Excts. hereafter mentioned also one feather bed and furniture.

I give and bequeath unto Mary Ann THROOP my daughter one negro wench named Bell one negro man named Newport one negro boy named Wallace one named Lester one named Bob one negro girl named Sew and one named Seal likewise, I give unto the said Mary Ann THROOP all my stock in trade horses cattle sheep hoggs goats with all my tools and utencels for forming with all my household furniture all notes, bond, and sums of money with every kid of property whatever that I shall die possessed of as will not mentioned as mentioned to her and her heirs after paying the above legacies and all my other just and lawfull debts, and I do hereby constitute nominate and appoint William and Mary Ann THROOP my son and daughter Extr. And Extx. of this my Last Will and Testament only revoking and disannulling all other wills by me formerly made and for that purpose have signed sealed and pronounced this to be my Last Will and Testament this first Day of October One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty in presence of

Test. Rotheause LATHAMS



Benjamin MARTIN {Seal}

Hyde County November Term 1783 This Will was exhibited into the above Term and proved in open Court by the oath of Thos. L. HENDERSON one of the evidence to the same and ordered to be recorded.

Test. Caleb FORMAN, Clk.

SOURCE: Will Book 1-6, Page 43, Clerk of Court, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.