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Deed Book 6, Page 381

This Indenture made the fifth day of November in the year one thousand, eight hundred & thirty six between John MASON, Kizziah HUDSON, Eleanor SAWYER, Allen MASON, Isabel GIBBS, heirs at law of Henry MASON decd. late a soldier in the Army of the United States all of the County of Hyde & State of North Carolina of the one part & Dorset MASON of the same county and State of the other part witnesseth that for and consideration of the sum of thirty dollars to the said John MASON, Kizziah HUDSON, Eleanor SAWYER, Allen MASON, Isabel GIBBS in hand paid by the said Dorset MASON before the sealing and delivering of these presents rect. whereof is hereby acknowledged, the above named heirs of Henry MASON hath bargained, sold, convey’d and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant, bargain, sell, convey & confirm unto the said Dorset MASON his heirs and assigns forever a certain piece or track of land situating lying and being in the State of Arkansas it being the Military Bounty land granted by the United States of America to Henry MASON late a soldier of the United States by Patent date the 30th June 1836 which land contains one hundred and sixty acres being the North East Quarter Section twenty four, township six North in range sixteen west in the track appropriated by the acts congress for Military Bounties in Arkansas to have and to hold the above described premises with the appurtenances thereto belonging unto him the said Dorset MASON his heirs and assigns forever and we the said John MASON, Kizziah HUDSON, Eleanor SAWYER, Allen MASON, Isabel GIBBS heirs at law of Henry MASON to above described premises with all appertances thereto belonging unto him the said Dorset MASON his heirs and assigns forever will warrant and forever defend against the claim or claims of all persons whatsoever claiming from, by, through or under either or all of us in any whereby whatsoever in witness whereof we have hereto set our hands and affixed our several seals in the year and day above written. Signed sealed and deld.

John MASON {Seal}

Kizziah HUDSON {Seal}

Eleanor SAWYER {Seal}

Allen MASON {Seal}

Isabel GIBBS {Seal}

in presence of us



Hyde County Feby Term 1856

Then was the execution of the foregoing deed of conveyance duly proved in open court by the oath of Jesse MASON a witness thereto and ordered to be registered

Test Will W. SPENCER Clk

Registered March 27th 1856 By Green BRIDGMAN P. R.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.