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Deed Book S, Page 240

State of North Carolina ~ Hyde County

Be it known that we Cason JONES and Hezekiah FARROW do Acknowledge that we have received A negro Girl about twelve years old by the name of Judith and in consideration of which we have this day and by virtue of these presents quit claim unto Joseph TUNNELL and wife Easter, Hardy SWINDELL and wife Dianna and Saml. GASKINS all our right title and interest unto two certain negroes to wit Eham about Forty years and Lidia about Sixteen years old In witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this 12th day of November One thousand eight hundred and twenty one

Cason JONES {Seal}

Hezekiah FARROW {Seal}

Witness Wm. SELBY Senr.

Hyde County Ss ~ May Term 1822

This within Bill of Sale was proven in Open Court by Wm. SELBY Senr. on Oath ordered to be registered

Jno. B. JASPER Clk

Registered the 26th Sept. 1822 by Danl. W. MARTIN P. Regr.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.