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December 14, 1770, Probate March Court 1771

Hyde County, North Carolina

In the Name of God Amen. The fourteenth Day of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy. I John CARROWON, SENR of the County of Hyde Provence of North Carolina Being sick and weak in body but of perfect Mind and Memory thanks be given to almighty God for the same and Calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed for all Men once to Die, I Doe make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament that is to say, Princeply and first of all I give and Recamend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it & my body I Recamend to the Ground to be Burried in a Decent and Christian Buriel at the Discression of my Executor, herein after Mentioned. Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurection I shall Receive the same again by the Mighty power of God and as Touching such Worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this World I give and Dismiss in the Following forme and forme following - - -

Item I Give and Bequeath unto my son Joseph CARROWON half of all my Land which I now live on which half is to be the Est end of my plantation to him and his Heirs Lawfully Begotten of his Body forever and my will is that my son Joseph CARROWON pay to my son William CARROWON six pounds Prov. Money for his part of the Land - - -

Item I give and Bequeath unto my son John CARROWON the Other half of all my Land which is the Westard end to him and his heirs Lawfully Begotten of his Body forever and my will is that my son John CARROWON shall pay to my son Patrick CARROWON five Pounds Proclamation Money for his part - - -

Item I give and Bequeath unto my son Patrick CARROWON won Mair, won heffer, won Buckennear gun to him and his heirs forever - - -

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son William CARROWON won feather Bed and furniture, won horse, won Bridle and One Saddle, won Plough and Plough harness, all my axes and all my hoes and Iron Widges and Ditching Spade and all my crop of Corn and Tobaco and my wheat that is now growing and all the tand Leather that is now in the house and won Jacket Pattern and all my wearing appearels and all my Ready Money to him and his Heirs forever - - -

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth GIBBS won feather Bed and furniture - - -

Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Rachal CARROWON won cow & calf and won cow earling, won breading Mair, all the Increase that shall come from the said Breading Creators to her and her heirs Lawfully Begotten of her Body forever, also two Ews and Lambs, won feather Bed and furniture, won New Linnen Wheel, won Lume and all the Lume harness - - -

Item I give unto my two Grand Sons Joseph and Efrom CARROWON Each of them won Ew lamb apeace at the next Shearing and to be Marked in thair own proper mark - - -

Item I give My Hand mill Between my Two sons Joseph CARROWON and John CARROWON - - -

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son William CARROWON all my stack of Loggs.

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Rachal CARROWON won Wooling Wheel and won par of wool Cords - - -

Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son William CARROWON my Other gun.

Item I give and Leave all the rest of my whole Estate both within and without to be Equally Divived among and between my four youngest children, that is Elizabeth GIBBS, Rachel CARROWON, Patrick CARROWON and William CARROWON after all my Debts is paid. And Last of all, I Do Constitute and appoint my son William CARROWON to be My SolE and Whole Executor to this My Last Will and Testament In Writing.

Sealed, Signed, Published Pronounced in Presents of Us:

John (X) CARROWON {Seal}

Hyde County March Court 1771
Present his Magestys Justices this Will was Proved in said Court & ordered to be Recorded.

William SELBY

Recorded pr George BARROW, Clk Test George BARROW, Clk

SOURCE: Will Book 1-3, pp. 19-20. Clerk of Court, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.