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Deed Book 23, Page 208-209

State of North Carolina }
Hyde County }
This Deed, made this the 30th day of April 1896, by Jas M. GIBBS & wife Dinah GIBBS, Bannister GIBBS of Hyde County and State of N. C. of the first part, to Tilman F. CREDLE of Hyde County and State of North Carolina of the second part, Witnesseth: That said parties of the first part in consideration of Ten Dollars, to them paid by T. F. CREDLE the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey to said, T. F. CREDLE his heirs their entire interest in a certain tract or parcel of land in Hyde County, State of North Carolina and others bounded as follows viz: a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Hyde County on Swan Quarter & on the West side of Juniper Bay Beginning at the North West corner of a tract of land conveyed to Jesse JARVIS by his father Josiah JARVIS for 180 acres running thence with said Jesse JARVIS North line eastwardly to Juniper Bay then with the Bay to Josiah JARVIS patent line that goes to the Post oak Ridge, then with that line to Joseph JARVIS Northeast corner, then west to Samuel JARVIS line then with his line South to the Beginning containing 167 acres more or less - it being the land that was conveyed by Benjamin GIBBS to Seth GIBBS and David GIBBS for reference to said deed see Book R, page 50 Hyde county records.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.