State of North carolina
to Any Minister of the gospel Having the Cure of Soles or to Any Justice of the peace of the County of Hyde Where as Joseph G. Carrowon having Applied to me For Marridge License and having Complide with the Act of Assembly these there Four to Authorize you or Any one of you to Solemnize the Rite of Mattrimony between the said Joseph G. Carrowon and Nancy White and them pronounce Man and Wife and this shal be your License given under My Hand this 7th June 1854
John Benson for Wm. W. Spencer Clk
SOURCE: Book Carawan, Certificate # 41, Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.
State of North Carolina
To any Regulary ordained Minister of the Gospel having the Care of Souls or Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Hyde duly Commissioned and Sworn. You or Either of you are hereby authorized to Celebrate and Solemnize the rites of Matrimony between Joseph G. Carrowan Son of Asa Carrowan and Miss Polly Hall Daughter of Benjamin Hall, and them pronounce man and wife
Witness George W. Swindell Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Hyde County This 22nd February 1868
Geo. W. Swindell C. C. Clerk for R. Burrus Dp Clk
SOURCE: Book Carawan, Certificate # 42, Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.
Jan. 10th 1875
Asa Franklin Carawan having applied to me for a LICENSE for the Marriage of Asa Franklin Carawan of Hyde county, aged 17 years, color white, the son of Joseph G. Carawan and Nancy Carawan the father now living, the mother dead, resident of Hyde county And Docy Ann Swindell of Hyde county, aged 21 years, color white, daughter of Isaac Swindell and Rebecca Swindell the father living, the mother living, resident of Hyde county.
James M. Watson for Bryan G. Credle Register of Deeds.
State of North Carolina, Hyde County
I, James M. Watson a minister of the M. E. ch. So. united in matrimony Asa Franklin Carawan and Docy Ann Swindell the parties licensed above, on the 11th day of Feb A. D. 1875, at the house of Joseph G. Carawan in Lake Landing Township in said County, according to law.
James M. Watson
Witnesses Present at Marriage:
George R. Pugh of Hyde Co.
Jeremiah F. Tate of "
Joseph G. Carawan of "
SOURCE: Book Carawan, Certificate # 3, Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.
State of North Carolina, Hyde County
Jan. 27th A. D. 1876
Gibons Sewell having applied to me for a LICENSE for the Marriage of John W. Carawon of Hyde County, aged 18 years, color white, the son of Joseph Carawon and __________ the father now living, the mother dead, resident of Hyde county And Orpha Watson of Hyde county, aged 17 years, color white, daughter of Samuel G. Watson and Sarah G. Watson the father dead, the mother living, resident of Hyde county.
* And the written consent of Sarah G. Watson the mother of the said Orpha Watson to the proposed marriage having been filed with me.
James M. Watson Dep. for Bryan G. Credle Register of Deeds.
Gibons Sewell, being duly sworn, says: That the parties applying for License, are of Lawful age, and that, so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment, forbidding said marriage.
Gibons Sewell
Witness: Jas M Watson
State of North Carolina, Hyde County.
I, James M. Watson a minister of the M. E. Ch. So. united in Matrimony John W. Carawon and Orpha Watson the parties licensed above, on the 27th day of Jan. A. D. 1876, at the house of Joseph G. Carawon in Hyde Lake Landing Township in said County, according to law.
Jas M. Watson
Witnesses Present at Marriage:
Milton E. Selby of Hyde Co.
Joseph G. Ca of "
R. T. Sadler of "
State of North Carolina }
Hyde County } The register of deeds is hereby authorized to grant marriage licenses for the marriage of my daughter Orpha Watson to John W. Carawon, my daughter being seventeen years of age. This Jan 27th 1876
Attest Noah Gibbs Sarah G. Watson Gibons Sewell
SOURCE: Book Carawan, Certificate #'s 38 & 39, Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC
September 25th 1893
John Carawan having applied to me for a LICENSE for the Marriage of John Carawan of Lake Landing, aged 35 years, color White, the son of __________ and __________ the father now _____, the mother _____, resident of __________ And Hettie Caroline Rose of Lake Landing, aged 18 years, color White, daughter of Dorcas Rose and __________ the father dead, the mother living, resident of Lake Landing.
W. J. Harris Register of Deed. per S. S. Mann.
State of North Carolina, Hyde County.
I, F. A. Crary a Ordained Minister of Christian Church united in Matrimony John Carawan and Hettie Caroline Rose the parties licensed above, on the 1st day of October 1893, at Lake Landing in Lake Landing Township in said County, according to law.
F. A. Crary
Witnesses Present at Marriage:
W. S. Harris of Hyde Co.
C. O. Brooks of "
J. D. Pugh of "
SOURCE: Book Carawan, Certificate # 33, Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.
Dec 20 1918
Charlie McKinney having applied to me for a LICENSE for the Marriage of Mitchell Carawan of Lake Landing N. C., aged 22 years, color White, the son of John W. Carawan and Hettie Carawan the father now Living, the mother Dead, resident of Lake Landing N. C. And Mattie Gibbs of Middletown N. C., aged 24 years, color White, daughter of Lonzo Gibbs and Mame Gibbs the father Living, the mother Living, resident of Middletown, N. C.
T. D. Midyette Register of Deeds.
State of North Carolina, Hyde County.
I, J. P. Ellis, Minister, a Church of Christ (Diciples) united in Matrimony Mitchell Carawan and Mattie Gibbs the parties licensed above, on the 24 day of December 1918, at Middletown, N. C. in Lake Landing, N. C. Township in said County, according to law.
* Witnesses Present at Marriage:
Martha Cahoon of Swan Quarter N. C.
Mary Gibbs of Swan Quarter, N. C.
Laura Selby of Middletown, N. C.
SOURCE: Book Carawan, Certificate # 49, Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.