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Deed Book A, Number 811

THIS INDENTURE made this thirteenth day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one between Benjamin MARTIN of Hyde County in the province of North Carolina, planter of the one part and Samuel THURSTON of Newport in Rhode Island Government, gentleman of the other part, WITNESSETH, that I the said Benjamin MARTIN for and in consideration of the sum of twenty pounds proclamation money of the province of North Carolina to me in hand paid by the said Samuel THURSTON the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have by these presents given, granted, bargained, aliened, conveyed and confirmed unto the said Samuel THURSTON his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being on Jordans Creek that makes out of Machapongo River and on the West side of the said creek, beginning at a glade of marsh that makes out of the said creek and running up the said marsh to a water oak thence running with a line of marked trees to a corner tree of oak standing by a branch side at HARVEYs Creek and thereby a line of trees, to a red oak near John JORDAN's thence along Jordansline to a corner tree being a pine at the head of HARVEYs Creek, thence along the creek to JORDANs Creek, down the said JORDANs Creek to the first station containing fifty acres of land be the same more or less. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land aforesaid here by sold unto the said Samuel THURSTON his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever with all rights, titles, profits, privileges and appurtanances and improvements whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise appurtaining and I the said Benjamin Martin for myself my heirs, executors and administrators the prebargained and sold premises from me, them, or either of them and from all and every other person or persons whatsoever shall and will by these presents forever warrant and defend unto the said Samuel THURSTON his heirs and assigns forever. In witnes whereof I the said Benjamin MARTIN and Elizabeth my wife have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year above mentioned.

Sealed and delivered in presence of


Benjamin MARTIN {Seal}

Elizabeth MARTIN {Seal}

Received November 13th 1761 twenty pounds proclamation money of the within named Samuel THURSTON being the consideration money in full.

Test: Stephen DENNING.

Benjamin MARTIN

Registered January 21, 1762.

from page 261.

Test: Stephen DENNING, Pub. Reg.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book B, Page 206-207

To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin MARTIN of Woodstock in Hyde County and province of North Carolina Planter for and in consideration of five Shillings proclamation money and also for the Good will Love and Effection that I have and Do bare Toward my Daughter Abigail FOURMAN and my Son in Law Caleb FOURMAN her husband of the County & Province aforesaid Planter the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge have by these presents Given and Granted as aforesaid unto these the said Abigail FOURMAN and Caleb FOURMAN as aforesaid to them and their heirs and assigns Towitt one negro Girl Called Bett about two years old togather with her Increase To Have and to hold the Said Negro Girl and her Increase To the Said Abigail FOURMAN and Caleb FOURMAN her husband and asfd and their heirs and assigns for and to their proper use and Behoof forever from the Claim or Claims of me the Said Benjamin MARTIN and my heirs Executors and Administrators and from the Claim Claims or Demand of any person or persons whatsoever Shall and will forever warrant Secure and Defend the Said Negro Girl and her Increase unto the Said Abigail FOURMAN and Caleb FOURMAN their heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the Said Benjamin MARTIN have by these presents Set my hand and Seal this ninth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven.

Benjamin MARTIN {Seal}

Signed Sealed & Delivered
in presents of

Woodstock Janr. 10th 1767 Received the within Consideration money fully

Hyde County March Inferior Court 1767 Present his Majesties Justices Then the within Deed was Exhibited in open Court & acknowledged to be by him Sd. MARTIN to be Duly Executed it was ordered to be Registered.

Test John WEBSTER C. S. C.
George BARROW P. Regr.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book B, Page 210-211

To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin MARTIN of the Town of Woodstock in the County of Hyde and province of North Carolina Planter for and in Consideration of five Shillings Proclamation Money and all So for the Goodwill and Effection that I have and do bare towards my Daughter Rebeckah FOURMAN and my Son in Law Joshua FOURMAN her husband of Hyde County and in the province aforesaid planter the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have by these presents Given and Granted as aforesaid unto them the Said Rebeckah FOURMAN and Joshua FOURMAN her husband as aforesaid to them and to their heirs & assigns to Witt One Negro Girl Called Fillis about Five years of age togather with her Increase To Have and to hold the Said Negro Girl and her Increase to the Said Rebeckah FOURMAN and Joshua FOURMAN aforesaid and their Heirs and assigns and to their proper use and behoof forever from the Claim or Claims of me the Said Benjamin MARTIN and my heirs Executors and Administrators and from the Claim or Claims or Demand of any person or persons whatsoever Shall and will forever warrant Secure and Defend the Said Negro Girl and her Increase unto the Said Rebeckah FOURMAN and Joshua FOURMAN their heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof I the Said Benjamin MARTIN have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal this ninth Day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven

Benjamin MARTIN {Seal}

Sealed & Delivered
in presents of

Woodstock Janr. 10th 1767 Received the within Consideration Money fully Benjm. MARTIN John ELSBRE.

Hyde County March Inferior Court 1767
Present his Majesties Justices
Then this Deed was Exhibited into Court and acknowledged by Said Benjamin MARTIN ordered to be Registered.

Test John WEBSTER C. S. C.
George BARROW P. Regr.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book B, Page 211-212

To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin MARTIN of Woodstock Town in Hyde County & province of North Carolina planter for and in Consideration of five Shillings proclamation money and allso for the Goodwill Love and Effection that I have and Do bear towards my Daughter Edna ELSBRE and my Son in Law John ELSBRE her husband of the Town County & province afsd. the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge Have by these presents Given and Granted as aforesaid unto them the Said Edna ELSBRE and John ELSBRE her husband as aforsd to them and to their heirs & assigns towitt one Negro Girl Called Dina about Seven years of age togather with her Increase To Have and to hold the Said Negro girl and her Increase to the Said Edna ELSBRE and John ELSBRE afsd and their heirs and assigns and to their proper use and behoof forever from the Claim or Claims of me the Said Benjamin MARTIN and my heirs Executors & Administrators and from the Claim or Claims or Demand of any person or persons whatsoever Shall and will forever warrant Secure and Defend the Said Negro Girl and her Increase unto the Said Edna ELSBRE and John ELSBRE their heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof I the Said Benjamin MARTIN have by these presents Set my hand and Seal this ninth Day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven

Benj.n MARTIN {Seal}

Sealed & Delivered
in presents of
Hamatal MARTIN

Hyde County March Inferior Court 1767
Present his Majesties Justices then this Deed was acknowledged in open Court by Said Benj.n MARTIN ordered to be Registered.

Test John WEBSTER C. S. C.
George BARROW P. Regr.

Woodstock January 10th 1767 Received the within Consideration money fully Benj.n MARTIN Joshua FOURMAN

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book B, Page 212

To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin MARTIN of the Town of Woodstock in Hyde County & province of North Carolina planter for and in consideration of the Goodwill Love and Effection that I do bear towards my Daughter Mary Ann MARTIN of the Town County and province afsd. whereof I do hereby acknowledge have by these presents Given and Granted aforesaid unto her the Said Mary Ann MARTIN my Daughter and to her heirs Lawfully begotten of her boddy to witt one negro Boy Called Gilbeard about two years of age To Have and to hold the Said Negro boy to the Said Mary Ann MARTIN my Daughter and to her Heirs Lawfully Begotten of her boddy and to their proper use and behoof forever From the Claim or Claims of me the Said Benjamin MARTIN and my heirs Excors & Admors and from the Claim or Claims or Demand of any person or persons whatsoever Shall and will forever warrant Secure and Defend the Said Negro boy unto the Said Mary Ann MARTIN my Daughter and to her heirs Lawfully Begotten of her boddy forever. In witness whereof I the Said Benjamin MARTIN have by these Presents Set my hand and Seal this Ninth Day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven

Benj.n MARTIN {Seal}

Sealed & Delivered
in presents of

Woodstock Jan. 10th 1767
Received the within Consideration money fully John ELSBRE Benj.n MARTIN

Hyde County March Inferior Court 1767
Present his Majesties Justices then this Deed was Exhibited into Court and acknowledged By afsd. Benj.n MARTIN ordered to be Registered.

Test John WEBSTER C. S. C.
George BARROW P. Regr.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book B, Page 213

To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin MARTIN of Woodstock Town in Hyde County & province of North Carolina Planter for and in consideration of the Goodwill Love and Effection that I have and Do bear towards my Daughter Hamutal MARTIN of the Town County and province aforesaid whereof I do hereby acknowledge have by these presents Given and Granted as aforesaid unto her the Said Hamutal MARTIN and to her heirs Lawfully Begotten of her boddy To witt one Negro Girl Called Ary about Twelve years of age Together with her Increase To Have and to hold the Said Negro Girl and her Increase to the Said Hamutal MARTIN my Daughter and to her heirs Lawfully Begotten of her body and to their proper use and Behoof forever From the Claim or Claims of me the Said Benjamin MARTIN and my heirs Excutors & Admors and from the Claim or Claims or Demand of any person or persons whatsoever Shall and will forever warrant Secure and Defend the Said Negro Girl and her Increase unto the Said Hamutal MARTIN my Daughter and to her heirs Lawfully Begotten of her boddy forever. In witness whereof I the Said Benjamin MARTIN have by these Presents Sett my hand and Seal this Ninth Day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven

Benj.n MARTIN {Seal}

Sealed & Delivered
in presents of

Woodstock Jan.r 10th 1767
Received the within Consideration money in full Benjamin MARTIN John ELSBRE

Hyde County March Inferior Court 1767
Present his Majesties Justices
Then this Deed was Exhibited into Court and Acknowledged by Benj.n MARTIN ordered to be Registered.

Test John WEBSTER C. S. C.
pr. George BARROW P. Regr.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.

Deed Book B, Page 213-214

This Indenture made this Tenth Day of January int he year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven Between Benjamin MARTIN of the Town of Woodstock in Hyde County & province of North Carolina planter of the one part and John ELSBRE and Edna ELSBRE his wife my Daughter of the other part Witness that he Said Benjamin MARTIN for and in Consideration of five Shillings procl. money and allso for the Goodwill Love and Effection that I have and Do bare Towards my Son in law John ELSBRE and Edna his wife my Daughter of the County and province afsd. the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully Satisfied and paid and thereof Do acquit and Discharge the aforesaid John ELSBRE and Edna his wife my Daughter as aforesaid their Heirs and assigns forever have Granted Sold Gave and Delivered Alined Conveyed and By these presents do fully and absolutely Grant bargain Sell Give and Deliver Alline Convey and Confirm unto the aforesaid John ELSBRE and Edna his wife my Daughter their Heirs and assigns part of that Lott of Land by Estimation Twenty square pole be the Same more or Less Situated and being in the Town of Woodstock in the County and province aforesaid Beginning on the North Side of Said Lott on Johnston Street from thence Runing with the Said Lott South Eighty five Degrees East to the River from thence Binding on the River Southerly by forty two feet from thence North 85 west ninety feet or so as to leave thirty feet of Land Eastward of the East Side of the new Dwelling house of the aforesaid Benjamin MARTIN from thence North Twenty Seven feet from thence North Eighty five Degrees west to Johnston Street thence Binding on Said Street to the first Station it being part of a Lott of Land Containing half an acre and Seven and a half pole that was Conveyed by a Deed from John WRIGHT to the aforesaid Benjamin MARTIN Reference being thereto had will more fully appear and all Houses Buildings Gardings watters Improvements and Advantages whatsoever to the Said peace or parcell of Land now or at any Time hereafter Belonging or appertaining and also all the Estate Right title Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever of him ye Said Benj.n MARTIN of in and the Same To Have and to Hold the said peace or parcil of Land and premises above mentioned unto the Said John ELSBRE and Edna ELSBRE his wife my Daughter their heirs and assigns and the Said Benjamin MARTIN and his heirs the aforesaid peace or Parcel of Land and all and Singular other the premises hereby mentioned to be granted and Sold unto the Said John ELSBRE and his wife Edna ELSBRE my Daughter their heirs and assigns against the Said Benj.n MARTIN his heirs & assigns and against all and Every Person and Persons Claiming by from or under them or any of them and against all other persons whatsoever Shall forever warrant Secure and forever Defend by these Presents. In witness whereof I the Said Benjamin MARTIN hath hereunto Sett his hand and Seal the Day and year first above written.

Benj.n MARTIN {Seal}

Sealed & Delivered
in presents of
Hamutal MARTIN

January the tenth 1767 Received the within mentioned Consideration money fully - Benjamin MARTIN Joshua FOREMAN

Hyde County March Inferior Court 1767
Present his Majesties Justices

Then this Deed was acknowledged by Sd. MARTIN ordered to be Registered.

Test John WEBSTER C. S. C.
George BARROW P. Regr.

SOURCE: Register of Deeds, Hyde County Courthouse, Swan Quarter, NC.