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Company F, 1st Battalion
1st Training Brigade
Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri


After completing two-weeks of leave Stafford, Leon and I traveled to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri for Advanced Individual Training (AIT) as Combat Engineers (12A10). Yes, it was heavy equipment, but not the type we thought we would be operating.

Leon and I were assigned to Company F, 1st Battalion, 1st Training Brigade, while Stafford was assigned to a sister company next to us in the same battalion. We had been at Fort Leonard Wood for a few weeks when we were given leave for the Christmas holidays. We all went home but dreaded returning to Fort Leonard Wood.

Sometime near the end of our training all three of us were advised that we would be going to Vietnam after we completed our training. I'm not sure how Leon or Stafford felt, but I think I was scared. I didn't know what to expect. We had our white underwear dyed green and received our immunizations to go to Vietnam. After graduating from combat engineer school we were given more leave before we went to Vietnam.