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Comapny B, 20th Engr Bn (Combat)
45th Engr Group, 18th Engr Brigade
Ban Me Thuot, Rep. of S. Vietnam


The move B Company made was to Ban Me Thuot, and to the 45th Engineer Group. B Company set up camp across from an ARVN unit. Our new assignment was to build a base camp for the 4th Infantry Divison. After we got our own base camp set up we started clearing land for the 4th Infantry Division base camp.

Late one afternoon a helicopter flew in and a General and several other officers got off and viewed the site. As they were getting ready to leave they passed B Company Commander a large brown envelope. Then he passed the envelope to me as he got back into his jeep to escort these officers back to their helicopter. It was labeled "TOP SECRET." I knew that I had a secret clearance, so I held onto the envelope until the Company Commander returned.

Shortly thereafter my Company Commander received a radio message to open the envelope and to follow the orders there in. A few minutes later he gave the word for everyone to assemble at the mess area where he announced that we had new orders to move to a new location. When we were released, we started breaking camp. It was dark before we got everything broke down, loaded and our equipment lined up and ready to move out. Once all that was completed we started moving to our new location.

Our new orders instructed us to move to a Special Forces camp located at Phu Tuc, which is located in the central highlands of Vietnam.