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Company B, 20th Engr Bn (Combat)
937th Engr Group, 18th Engr Bde
Phu Tuc, Republic of South Vietnam


It took us a couple of days to make it to Phu Tuc, and then we had to build a base camp all over again. Because of this move we were reassigned to the 937th Engineer Group.

Our new job was to repair, extend and resurface a runway on the top of the hill next to the Special Forces camp. Our base camp was set up next to the Special Forces camp and the runway that we would be working on.

While working on the runway several of our NCO's observed our equipment sinking into the ground right on top of the hill. I told the Company Commander that there was probably tunnels under the runway, but he said, "No way."

During my tour of duty in Vietnam, I worked as a Combat Engineer, but I was reassigned to work as the Company Clerk when our Company Clerk rotated back to the states.

I departed Phu Tuc in February 1967. When I arrived at Battalion Headquarters to process out to go back to the states I saw Stafford one last time. But due to the fact that I had arrived at the Battalion Headquarters late, I had to wait an extra week before I could leave Vietnam because my seat was given away. So I spent a week in Pleiku.

During this time the Battalion Sergeant Major assigned me to work with S-1. It was during this time the Battalion Sergeant Major approached and asked me if I would stay and work for him. He told me that I could go home for 30 days and return to work for him for six months. He also told me that I would be promoted to Sergeant (SGT E-5). I thanked him for his offer, but kindly said, "No thank you." However, I continued to work at S-1. It was during this time that I was awarded the MOS 71H10 (Personnel Specialist).

I got 30 days of leave and then moved on to a new duty assignment: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Oh, by the way, what about that equipment sinking into the ground? Well, I got a letter from a friend and he told me that they found several tunnels running under the runway into the Special Forces camp, and that was why the equipment kept sinking into the ground.