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Company A, 1st Battalion
29th Infantry, The School Brigade
Fort Benning, Georgia

NOVEMBER 1974 - JUNE 1976

I didn't get my promotion orders for Private First Class (PFC E-3) until I was home on leave, but I reported to Fort Benning as a Private First Class. There I was assigned to the Mortar Platoon of Company A, 1st Battalion, 29th Infantry, The School Brigade. The battalion provided support for infantry training, Officer Candidate School, Advance Non-Commissioned Officer Course and others.

Shortly after arriving in the company I was pulled out of the Mortar Platoon and assigned to work in the Orderly Room to help get ready for an IG inspection. I was told that as soon as the inspection was over I would return to the Mortar Platoon. However, I didn't return to the Mortar Platoon as I had been told. I was kept in the orderly room where I handled promotions, regulations and other things for the unit.

I was promoted to Specialist Four (SP4 E-4) shortly after arriving and then to Sergeant (SGT E-5) later that same year. I received orders for Germany in 1976. I took a 30-day leave and was on my way.

First Sergeant Joseph (Joe) Cross was my First Sergeant. First Sergeant Cross later became the Sergeant Major of the Airborne Department before he retired.