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Company B, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry, 8th Infantry Division (Mech), Baumholder, Germany

MARCH 1983 - JUNE 1983

Though I enjoyed working as an instructor, I was talked into signing up to go to Berlin, but wound up in Baumholder instead. When I arrived at Company B, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry, 8th Infantry Division (Mechanized), I was assigned as the Mortar Platoon Sergeant.

A short time later I found out that the battalion was deactivating and everyone was going to be reassigned to other units in the division. I asked the Battalion Sergeant Major if I could go to a company as a Section Sergeant in a Mortar Platoon, but he said, "No." So I asked him about going to the Division NCO Academy as an instructor and he said, "Yes."

Two weeks later I was reassigned to the 8th Infantry Division (Mechanized) Non-Commissioned Officers Academy. By that time all of my platoon had been reassigned to other units except for me.