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8th Infantry Division (Mech)
Non-Commissioned Officers Acad.
8th Infantry Division (Mech)
Baumholder, Germany

NOVEMBER 1983 - MARCH 1985

I arrived early the morning that I reported to the Operations Office. I have never liked being late. As I sat waiting in the office the Operations Sergeant, Sergeant First Class Mickey Webb, came in and asked me what could he do for me. I told him, "I work for you now." He seemed a little upset as he did not know anything about me.

He went to see the Sergeant Major and First Sergeant, but when he came back he seemed satisfied with what I had told him and started showing me what I was going to be doing. This was one of the best jobs that I have ever had.

Mickey and I became pretty good friends. I enjoyed working for him and with him. I also enjoyed processing in the 250 +/- soldiers for each Primary Leadership Development Course and working with all of the unit Command Sergeant Majors.

As my tour drew close to an end I received orders assigning me to Drill Sergeant duty at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Because Sergeant Webb and I worked really good as a team, I really did not want to leave this unit when I did.