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Range 17, Texas Range
Basic Rifle Marksmanship Committee
Company B, Training Center Command
Fort Jackson, South Carolina

NOVEMBER 1988 - MARCH 1990

I had been assigned to Training Center Command, which was responsible for the operation of the various ranges on Fort Jackson. When I reported to Training Center Command I was told that I was assigned to the Basic Rifle Marksmanship Committee (BRM) and also told to report to the Basic Rifle Marksmanship Committee Headquarters. Upon my arrival at BRM, I was told that I was assigned to Range # 17, Texas Range, a Basic Rifle Marksmanship Range, which was also one of the qualification ranges on Fort Jackson.

I worked with Sergeant First Class Robert E. Alexander, the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of Range # 17, and I would be working as the Assistant Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge. Sergeant Alexander and I worked very well together. We both knew what had to be done and we took care of it. I felt that I did not work for Sergeant Alexander, but that I worked with him. Furthermore, I felt that we made an outstanding team.

Sometimes you get lucky. In the past years I had been told by several commanders that I had made the promotion list for Sergeant First Class E-7, only to find that they did not know what they were talking about. But this time they were not telling me a story. I had made the E-7 list and I was being moved to another range to become the new Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge.