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Whereas I Richard BEESON of Deep River in Guilford County North Carolina Being far Advanced in years and knowing the Uncertainty of Life and Certainty of Death do therefore think fit to make this my Last will and Testament in manner and form as follows; first I Recommend my soul unto the Lord and my Body to the Earth to Be Buried in a Christian like manner at the Discretion of my Executors Hereafter to be Named - and as touching such Worldy substances wherewithal it hath pleased the Lord to Bless me in this Life with [which] I disspose thereof in the following manner and form

first I order that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges to be paid by my Executors Hereafter to be Named

2d I Give to my Grandson Hephenias HAWORTH two Hundred Acres of the Land I Now Live on Including all Improvement to him his heirs and assigns and no more

3dly I Give to my two sons Benjamin BEESON and Isaac BEESON and to their Heirs and assigns the Remaining part of the said tract of Land to Each an Equil part and for Benjamin to have the East and Isaac to have the West land

4thly I Give my son Benjamin two feather Beds and all the furniture Belonging thereunto, I Give to my son Isaac the feather Bed I now lie upon and all the furniture thereunto Belonging

5thly its [it] is my will that the Remaining part of my moveable Estate shall be Equilly divided amongst all my children to wit Benjamin Isaac Phebe and Charity in the Best and most Suiteable manner it Can de done by my Executors

6thly And further I do Give to all or any of my Issue that doth or may lay Claim hereafter to any wright of heirs (?) to Each and Severally one Shilling and no more to be paid by my Executors hereafter to be Named

7thly and lastly I ordain and Constitute and appoint my two sons Benjamin and Isaac whole and sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament hereby ??itterly Disallowing and Revokeing and making Void all others and former wills testaments and Legacies by me made Ratifieing and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 29 Day of the month Called March in the year 1775

Richard R B BEESON

signed sealded pronounced to Be the Last Richard BEESON Last will testament in the ??? of
Jeremiah HIGNOLOW?
Josiah LAMB
??? BEESON Juner

The Last Will and Testament of Ricd. BEASON Deced. proved at the Sept. Term 1782.

Source: Guilford County, North Carolina Wills, 1771-1968; Bear-Belton; C.R. 046.801.14: Beeson, Richard, 1782. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina; obtained June 26, 1999.