Name of Vessel: Ship Mediator
Port of Embarkation: London
Date of Arrival: September 14, 1848
Number: 1055
District of New York - Port of New York
I, D. L. Stark do solemnly, sincerely and truly Swear that the following List or Manifest of Passengers, subscribed with my name, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs for the District of New York, contains, to the best of my Knowledge and belief, a just and true account of all the Passengers received on board the Ship Mediator whereof I am Master, from London So help me God.
Sworn to this 14 September 1848 Before me D. L. Stark. List of Manifest OF ALL THE PASSENGERS taken on board the Ship Mediator, D. L. Stark is Master, from London, burthen 660 59/95 tons.
Samuel Tanner, 49 years, Coach Maker, England
Hannah Tanner, 56 years, England
Sarah Tanner, 21 years, England
Agnes Tanner, 19 years, England
Henry Tanner, 17 years, England
Martha Tanner, 14 years, England