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Little Britain Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, from Lancaster County Will Book B, Vol. I, p. 400

Posted by Andy Anderson on GenForum on July 18, 1999 at 03:01:27.

Written 3rd day, 1st month, 1760; proved the same month. (According to "Our Quaker Ancestors," by E. T. and D. A. Berry, use of the Quaker system of dating ceased in 1752, and in 1760, when this will was written, the system we use now was employed. Thus the "first month" here would mean January.)

Whereas I, James MIDCALF, of Little Britain Township in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, being indisposed and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory, calling to mind the mortality of the body, knowing I must die, do make this, my last will and testament, in manner following:

First, my will is that my body be decently buried and my debts and funeral charges paid.

Second, my will is that my beloved wife have privilege of one-half of my plantation till my son Abraham comes to the age of twenty-one years and to live in my stone house that is one story high, likewise one-half of my orchard, and I give and bequeath to my wife one-third part of my personal estate forever.

Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my sons, Curtis and Abraham, my plantation in Little Britain, to be equally divided both in quantity and quality, to them, their heirs and assigns forever, my son Curtis to enjoy his part immediately after my decease, and my son Abraham to enjoy his part at the age of twenty-one years.

Fourthly, I give to my daughter Racheal out of my personal estate the sum of fifty pounds and brown mare which is called hers, and her saddle and bridle.

Fifthly, I give to my son Abraham my sorrel three-year-old colt.

Sixthly, my will is that my ploughs and plough tacklings to be equally divided between my two sons Curtis and Abraham.

Sixthly (sic), my will is that after my son Abraham arrives to the age of twenty-one years, that my wife deliver up to my son Abraham the half of my plantation she enjoys. My will is that in consideration thereof, that my two sons, Curtis and Abraham, pay yearly to their mother the sum of three pounds ten shillings apiece and maintain two cows and one horse for her during her life, and cut an half sufficient firewood and let her enjoy the stone house above mentioned all during her life. Likewise my will is that my two sons maintain for their mother six sheep on the premises and likewise my will is that my two sons shall allow two rows of apple trees to their mother, such as she may choose.

Seventhly, I give to my beloved wife one bed and bed clothes at her choice and likewise my two orphan children, viz.: Samuel CRASTOR and Dorcas McQUESTON to be at her disposal.

Eighthly, my will is and I give to my two sons, Curtis and Abraham, all the remainder of my personal estate, to be equally divided between them.

Lastly, I constitute and appoint my beloved wife, Margaret, and my beloved son Curtis to be my executors of this, my last will and testament, and disannul and revoke all wills heretofore made and declare this to be my last will and testament. Signed, sealed and declared to be such this third day of the first month, one thousand seven hundred & sixty.

James MIDCALF {seal}
In the presence of us: Joshua BROWN

James signed with a mark - an M.