John GRUBB. He married Agnes NICOLE.
Child of John GRUBB and Agnes NICOLE is:
1. Henry GRUBB, born 1476 and died 1556.
Thomas GRUBB was born 1533, and died 1616. He married Agnes JEFFREY.
Child of Thomas GRUBB and Agnes JEFFREY is:
1. Henry GRUBB, born 1581; died 1645.
Henry GRUBB was born 1581, and died 1645.
Child of Henry GRUBB is:
1. Henry GRUBB, married. ? WILMOT.
Child of Henry GRUBB and ? WILMOT is:
1. John GRUBB, born about 1652 in Stoke Climsland, Cornwall County, England, and died March 10, 1707/08 in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
John GRUBB was born about 1652 in Stoke Climsland, Cornwall County, England. He married Frances VANE about 1681. John GRUBB died March 10, 1707/08 in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Children of John GRUBB and Frances VANE are:
1. Emanuel GRUBB, born July 19, 1679 in Brandywine, New Castle, Delaware/Pennsylvania. He married Anna HEACOCK 1708 in New Castle, Delaware. Emanuel GRUBB died August 9, 1767 in Marcus Hook, Delaware/Pennsylvania.
2. John GRUBB, born November 11, 1684 in Wilmington, Delaware. He married Rachel BUCKLEY about 1712. He died March 15, 1758 in Wilmington, Delaware.
3. Joseph GRUBB, born about 1685 in Wilmington, Delaware. He married Sarah Elizabeth PERKINS. Joseph GRUBB died March 14, 1746/47.
4. Charity GRUBB, born September 29, 1687 in Brandywine, New Castle, Delaware/Pennsylvania. She married Richard BEESON October 24, 1706 in West Nottingham Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, the son of Edward BEESON and Rachel PENNINGTON. Charity BEESON died November 24, 1761 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
5. Phebe GRUBB, born 1690. She married (1) Richard BUFFINGTON. She married (2) Simon HADLEY July 22, 1752. Phebe HADLEY died March 4, 1769.
6. Samuel GRUBB, born about 1691 in New Castle, Delaware/Pennsylvania. He married Mary BILLARBY, July 26, 1745, Concord Meeting Society of Friends. Samuel GRUBB died May 17, 1760 in New Castle, Delaware.
7. Henry GRUBB, born about 1692 in Wilmington, Delaware. He married Patience CLAYTON. Henry GRUBB died July 20, 1771 in Wilmington, Delaware.
8. Nathaniel GRUBB, born about 1693 in Upland, Chester County, Pennsylvania. He married Ann MOORE October 23, 1725, Concord Meeting Society of Friends. Nathaniel GRUBB died 1760.
9. Peter GRUBB, born 1702 in New Castle, Delaware. He married (1) Martha (BATES) WALL 1732. He married (2) Hannah MENDENHALL December 10, 1741. Peter GRUBB died August 2, 1740.
"John Grubb, first of the family on these shores, came to America at the age of twenty-five, sailing from London in the ship 'Kent' in 1677. He arrived at Burlington, West Jersey, after a lengthy voyage and received 340 acres of land on Chester creek. As early as 1682 Grubb's Landing, Brandywine Hundred, Del. was known to fame. John Grubb became the possessor of a tract of land 600 acres in extent, was made one of the Colonial Justices in 1693 and was twice elected to the Colonial Assembly. The historian says of him, 'He came from that stock of men second to none on the face of the earth - the English country gentleman.'
He was the first manufacturer of leather in Penn's Province. In 1703 he left Grubb's Landing and located in Marcus Hook, Pa. where he presently invested heavily in land. He died there in March 1708.
Peter, son of John and Frances Vane Grubb, was the discoverer of the vast beds of iron ore at Cornwall, Lebanon County. In 1734 he became the proprietor of the celebrated Cornwall ore hills of almost pure magnetic ore. On this property he built the Hopewell Forge and the Cornwall Furnace, naming the latter after the mining town where his father was born. The Cornwall Furnace is the oldest in this country."
Source: Biographical Annals of Lancaster County, Pa., North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina; obtained June 26, 1999.
Charity GRUBB was born September 29, 1687 in Brandywine, New Castle, Delaware/Pennsylvania. She married Richard BEESON October 24, 1706 in West Nottingham Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, the son of Edward BEESON and his wife Rachel PENNINGTON. Charity BEESON died November 24, 1761 in Guilford County, North Carolina.
Children of Charity GRUBB and Richard BEESON are:
1. Phebe BEESON. She married John HARRIS, the son of William HARRIS, on November 5, 1731 in East Nottingham Meeting, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
2. Isaac BEESON, born February 3, 1728/29. He married Phebe STROUD. Isaac BEESON died 1802.
3. Charity BEESON, born 1715. She married Mordecai MENDENHALL, Leacock Meeting. Charity MENDENHALL died September 20, 1809.
4. Benjamin BEESON married Elizabeth HUNTER. Benjamin BEESON died June 14, 1794.
5. Richard BEESON, JR., born about 1710. He married Ann BROWN in East Nottingham Meeting, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Richard BEESON died 1784.
6. John BEESON, born October 7, 1707. He married Mary VARMAN, Leacock Meeting. John BEESON died December 27, 1747.
7. Edward BEESON, married Martha. Edward BEESON died 1746.
8. William BEESON, born January 30, 1721/22 in West Nottingham Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. William BEESON died December 18, 1760.
9. Rachel BEESON, born 1724. She married Stephen HAWORTH. Rachel HAWORTH died March 19, 1775.