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Edward Beeson's Will

I Edward Beeson of Notingham, being laid on a bed of sickness & not knowing how the Lord may dispose of me as to my naturall Life therefore I do make this my last will & testament and does declare all other will or wills made or done by me to be void and of none effect, first my will is that I be decently buried & my funeral expenses and all debts be duly payd, 2ly, I give to my son Edward & his heirs 142 acres & a half of Land Laying by nessamoney, 3rdly, I give unto my son Richard and his heirs one tract of Land Laying near Southhampton in the County of Bucks, containing 290 acres, 4ly I give to my son Richard and his heirs one tract of Liberty Land containing 25 acres Lying on Sculkill. 5ly I do give to my son William my west Loot Laying in Notingham also I give unto him 48 pounds which my Executors is to lay out for him in building him a house & buying him such necessaryes as they may see most needfull for him for making a plantation, also I give unto him all my wearing apparell except two great coats, which two coats I give to Edward & Richard, Edward is to have which he pleased, also I give to my son William one coat of the Carsey that is at the weavers, also my will is that if my son William should dy without ishew Lawfully begotten, then the Land is to go to the Lawful heirs. 6ly I give to my Daughter Ann Cloud Twenty pounds, 7ly, my will is that after my former wifes children have had their portions, that all my personall estate be divided betwixt my widow and my Daughter [E]lizabeth according to a Law. 8ly, my will is that my widow shall have the plantation whereon I live with all the profits thereof during her widdowhood or natural Life & after my widows marrying or decease, then I give it to my Daughter Elizabeth & her heirs. 9ly, my will is that my executors & their heirs shall have all that Land which I have purchased of Daniel Wharley & by Warrant to me by the Commissioers bearing the date of 14th day of Septr, 1709, to dispose of as they see occasion, and I desire yt my wife shall give to the child yt she is not great with, if it should live when born, forty pounds and Lastly for a full and finall performance of this will I do by these presents make & ordain my dear and well beloved wife and son Richard the sole executors of this my last will and Testament as witness my hand & Seal this Twentieth of the sixth month, called August 1712.

Signed Sealed & Delivered before us

Edward Beeson (Seal)

Andrew Job

James King

Chester County S S;

Source: Beeson Genealogy, by Jasper Luther Beeson. Obtained June 26, 1999 at the North Carolina State Archives in Raleigh, North Carolina.