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Senshi No Seiza Application...

SENSHI NO SEIZA/KUROHOSHI APPLICATION wish to apply for a soilder of good or a minion of evil??


Okay, I had my moment. Here's the handy dandy application!!!!

Basic Junk
Your name/net moniker:

Your e-mail address:

Do you have AIM? ICQ? Yahoo! Messenger? Anything along those lines?:

Time for the Good Stuff!

The character you wish to play:

Civilian Stats

Full Name of Character (JAPANESE!!!):


Blood Type:


Birthdate: NO YEAR!

Zodiacal Sign:

Ruling Heavenly Body/Element:



Favorite Foods:

Least Favorite:

Favorite School Subjects:

Least Favorite:

Favorite Gemstone:

Favorite Colors:

Least Favorite Colors:



Strong Points:


Dreams: As both your normal character and their transformed state

Immediate Family:

Personal Information: About a paragraph, just tell us about your character's life! And please, give me detail!!

Appearance: Hair (detail...) Eyes (detail...) Clothing types (detail...) Figure (detail...get the hint?)

Personality: GIVE ME FRICKIN' DETAIL!!!!!

Soilder Stats

Powers and Symbol: Oh dear Lord detail! And make it match...

Kurohoshi describe theirs in detail, and Seiza peeps describe the changes (if any) name your colors, and your footwear!

Henshin Item: Go wild...remember, creativity is key!

Weapon: If you've got one...describe it and describe it good.

His/Her/Its Challenge: Domain, constellation/whatever...sound thretening if need be!!

Quarters on the Kurohoshi: KUROHOSHI APPLICANTS ONLY

Guardian: Time to go into detail! Species, name, coloring, personality, the whole shebang.

Henshin: Constellation Name Constellation Power, Make-Up/Armor-Up/Whatever! Make it pretty...sparklies, color, ribbons, leaping lizards, a band breaking into a fanfare and the trombone poking you in the butt...whatever!
Oh, yeah, Kurohoshis? You NEED to make one also!

Power Numero Uno: DETAIL!!!!!

Power Numero Dos: DETAIL!!!!!!

Submission Story Selection Number: 1, 2, or 3 (Senshi)
1 or 2 (Kurohoshi)

Submission Story Itself:

Your Final Thoughts...
Hey, tell us if you're any good at HTML, or artistry, or are in any more RPG's (even non-Sailormoon ones! I am!!) Any other tidbits...or just to say hey! Oh, and if you did an application pic, upload it with the e-mail...but puh-leese don't imbed it.

Send all applications to The Reviewing Board with the subject "Application For _____". OR send us the webpage you've created for your minion/senshi.

Good luck minna-san!!

Want an example?? I filled in the application using my character, Sailorborealis. Click on Application Example to see what I'm talking about.

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