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Final Fantasy 5 Walkthrough


We have finally gotten around to making a walkthrough for Final Fantasy 5. We're hoping that you will find this walkthrough very helpful, and if you still have any problems, feel free to e-mail me with any questions you might have. On with the walkthrough!!


Walkthrough of World 1:

1. Intro

After the opening scene, you'll gain control of a character on a chocobo. Ride the chocobo into the meteor that just landed. The main character will get off the chocobo and then walk through the path, where you will find 2 goblins carrying off a girl. Fight them(they're easy) and then watch the scene as you will learn the girl's name is Reina. And then you'll have a chance to name the main character(Default: Bartz). The 2 will hear something, and then you should move toward the meteor and you will see a man laying down next to it. It is your third character, Galuf. However, he has lost his memory, but he does remember he needs to go to the wind shrine, which is where Reina is going. They'll ask Bartz to come along, but he declines. Now you should go to the bottom of the screen, and walk through the trees to pick up the phoenix down. Then return to your chocobo.

Back out on the world map, take the only path open to you to the northwest. As you enter, an earthquake hits, and the ground starts to split. The chocobo can make the jumps easily, but you also will have to fight some more easy Goblins. After that, pick up Reina and Galuf and carry them to safety. As they start to come to, Bartz agrees to join them on their trip to the Wind Shrine. However, the meteor and earthquake have blocked all passages to the shrine, so the only place you can now go to is into the cave. Save and enter.

2. The Pirates

There isn't anything hard about this cave. Walk through it, and fight all the easy enemies that you encounter. You can use the spring to cure yourself. Walk through the cave until you come across the Pirate. He'll show you how to open the door into the Pirate Lair, but don't forget to open the chest and take the Leather Cap first. Then open the door and proceed into the lair.

Once inside, Galuf will come up with a "Brillant" plan to steal the Pirate Ship. Run onto the bridge and walk to the ship. When you try to make the ship move, you will be caught by Faris, the 4th character. He will throw you into a cell. You'll also find out now that Reina is the princess of Tycoon. Faris will be puzzled about why Reina's pendant is the same as his. The next day, Faris will agree to go with the 3, and you can set out for the Wind Shrine.

3. The Wind Shrine

It's almost time to go to the Wind Shrine, but not quite yet. First, when you gain control of the ship, head west to the Village of Tule. There you can buy equipment, items, etc. Also make sure to go into the pub and play the piano. Then you should head east to the wind shrine. Don't go in quite yet, fight some battles and gain a level or 2. Then head inside. If you go into the room on the left as soon as you enter, you'll hear that the king has gone to the top floor, but hasn't returned. Use the healing pot, then head up the stairs.

Navigate your way through the Shrine, but don't forget to pick up the items. On the 2nd floor, you can pick up a tent, and also save your game. On the 3rd Floor, you can pick up a Leather Cap and also a Broadsword. On the 4th Floor, you'll find something blocking your path, a boss!

Boss: Wingrapter- Lvl 1, HP: 250

This boss is easy. Make sure everyone has a Broadsword, and have everyone attack. However, only attack when the wings are extended. When the wings aren't extended, attacking it will cause it to counter with Iron Nail. This should be an easy battle.

After you defeat the boss, head upstairs into the crystal room. You'll see a short scene, and then you will gain your first jobs! They are: Knight, Monk, Blue Mage, Theif, Black Mage, White Mage. For this part of the game, I suggest: Knight, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage. However, you can go with whatever combo you are comfortable with. Now step on the transport and you will be whisked outside of the Wind Shrine.

4.- The Quest To Protect the Crystals

Well, you have been chosen to protect the crystals. So you need to get to the other crystals, but your not quite sure how. Well, for starters, fight some battles around the Wind Shrine and try to gain a level or 2, and also a Job level or 2. You will notice that now that you have Job's available to you you will start to gain ABP in battle. Those are used to level up your job classes. There aren't a lot of battles that you get a lot of ABP in, so every battle is crucial in leveling up those jobs. So from now on, I don't recommend running away very much. Now, after you have finished leveling up and such, return to the town of Tule. Buy new equipment for your jobs, buy some magic for any mages(also, make sure to put all of your mage people in the back row), and anything else that you need to do(if you haven't played the piano in the town pub yet, now would be a good time.) When your finished, head to the northmost point of town to the large house. The house belongs to Zok, and he has the key to open the Canal to get to Walz. Watch the scene there, then get the key and leave town. But oh no! Faris decides to leave the Pirates behind! NO! Oh well, get in the ship and head out to the canal.

5.- Save Hydra!!!!

This place is quite easy. Fight a couple battles if you wish. Sail through until you see the scene with the Whirlpool. You will now fight a boss.

Boss: Karl Boss

Recommended Level: 5, Weak against: Bolt, Item Won: Tent

:Boss Stats: Lvl 5, HP: 650

This boss is quite easy. Have any of your fighting classes attack, have your White Mage heal as necessary, and have your Black Mage Bolt that thing away! This boss should go down quite easily.

After the battle, you will see the scene involving Hydra. Hydra will be sucked into the whirlpool, and he will be gone now. Don't worry, you haven't seen the last of Hydra yet. The ship will now drift and drift until you end up in a mysterious place.

6.- The Mysterious Ship Graveyard

As you enter the Ship Graveyard, you will be on the ship. Your party will decide that you need to get out of here, so head off the ship. When you start out, head south and jump across the rocks to get the Flail out of the Chest, a pretty good weapon for the White Mage at this point in the game. Continue through the graveyard, and go into the only place you can enter, one of the broken ships. Before heading down the stairs, don't forget to pick up the World Map. Then head down the stairs, and you'll find an area that has a real lot of water. It won't be hard to navigate through this area, just don't forget to pick up any of the Treasure Chests. Eventually, you'll end up in a room with a nice area to rest up and dry off. Watch the Scene here, and you'll discover a HUGE secret! Faris is a woman! Oh my Gosh! Oh well, that doesn't matter. Just rest up, and don't forget to save your game at the save point.

Now, continue through the ship graveyard. This isn't a really hard place, you won't have any trouble. Soon, you'll end up on the shore, and something will happen to Bartz, Reina, and Faris. Galuf will save them though, and then you'll have a boss Fight.

Boss: Siren

Recommended Level: 7, Weak Against: Cure(in undead form), Item Won: Bronze Something??

Boss Stats: Lvl 2, HP: 900

Another one of those easy bosses, have your Fighting Classes fight, have your White Mage heal your party, or cast Cure on Siren in her undead form, and have your Black Mage hit her with Fire. This should be quite an easy battle.

After the battle, you'll see the characters talk for a minute, and then you should head north out of the Graveyard. Back out on the world map, head south to the town of Kerwin.

7. How do we get to Walz anyway?

Well now, you need to get to the Town of Walz to where the Cystal of Water can be found. But you don't have a ship anymore. Stop in the Town of Kerwin, and update your supplies. Think for a minute, if you can't go by sea, then you'll have to go by air! Fight a few battles outside if you need to, and then head north up to the North Mountain.

8.- Woo! Air Transportation!

All right, first head inside. There's a small cave with a few Treasures inside it that you should pick up. Then head out the exit. Keep going through the mountain until you reach, guess what? Another boss!

Boss: Magissa and Faltzer

Recommended Level: 8 or 9, Weakness: None, Item Won: Power Drink and Whip

Boss Stats: Magissa: Lvl 8, HP: 650, Faltzer: Lvl 8: HP 850

This battle is kinda tough. But if you have some strong characters, you can make this an easy fight. If you can kill Magissa quickly, Faltzer won't even be summoned! An easy way to do this is to make 4 monks out of your party, and destroy Magissa before she even has a chance to summon Faltzer. You might wanna have 1 White Mage just in case though.

Afterwards, keep going through the mountain, and watch out for the funny looking flowers! They hurt you! Anyway, keep going until you find the dragon laying hurt on the top of the mountain. Reina will risk herself to get the herb that the Dragon Needs just sitting behind the poison flowers. Afterward, the Dragon will heal Reina, and now you will have a Dragon! Heh, Bartz is afraid of hights. That's kinda funny to me…….anyway, now that you have a dragon, you can fly south to the Town of Walz.

9.- Walz and the Water Crystal

Yay. You've finally reached Walz! About time huh? Now that you're here, you can stock up on more supplies and equipment, gain a couple levels, and this is about the time I change some classes around. Just go with whatever you are comfortable with, because you'll be getting some new jobs shortly. After your ready, go to the castle, and speak with the King. You'll talk to him for a minute, then you'll hear about Garula going crazy and heading to the Walz tower. Follow the King north to the tower!

10.- Stop Garula!

Well now, as you enter the tower, you will find King Walz injured after he tried to stop Garula. Make your way through the tower, which shouldn't be that difficult, and head up to the crystal room, where you will find Garula. You need to stop him.

Boss: Garula

Recommended Level: 10, Weakness: None, Item Won: Potion

Enemy Stats: Lvl 3, HP: 1200

Garula is pretty tough. You shouldn't have a ton of trouble with him though. With your fighting classes, pound him(The monk skill Store works very well here) and with a White Mage use spells to increase Defense of your characters. Heal if necessary, and he should be pretty easy to beat.

You've beaten Garula, but you were too late, and the Crystal shattered. However, you will now gain more jobs from the crystal shards! You will now receive Berserker, Sorcerer, Time Mage. Summoner, and Red Mage. There is one crystal that you cannot reach, but the tower is about to sink! Don't worry, it may seem like you have lost it, but you will be able to get that Shard later in the game. Anyway, your job in Walz is almost done, but first head back to town to get some equipment etc, and then head to the castle to get the first major summon, Shiva.

11.- Getting Shiva

NOTE: At this part of the game, this is optional, you can come back and do this later, but I suggest doing it now.

Head back to Walz Castle to get Shiva. Enter the castle and head down the staircase directly to the right of the entrance. Exit the castle using the door on the lower right. This will take you outside the castle onto a walkway. Follow the waterway around to the back of the castle and pass through the center of the waterfall. Follow the path inside here around until you reach Shiva!

Boss: Shiva

Recommended Level: 10 or 11, Weakness: Fire, Item Won: Shiva Summon

Boss Stats: Lvl 11, HP: 1500

This battle shouldn't be much of a problem. Have your Black Mage person if you have one pound away on Shiva, and have everyone else attack, having your White Mage cure if necessary. That's it for Shiva, not hard at all huh?

Afterwards, Shiva will give you her power, and you will be able to Summon her in battle using your Summoners. Yay! Now your business in Walz is done, finish up with anything, then head to the Meteor where the Tower used to be, and enter it to head to Karnak!

12- Havin fun in Karnak!

Well, now that you’ve gone through the meteor, your in Karnak territory. Walk along the path, until you reach the town of Karnak. Go inside the town, and go into any shop, and try to buy something. At this time, you will be ambushed by soldiers, and thrown into a Jail cell. Just stand there for a while, there’s nothing you can do. Eventually, Professor Cid, in the cell next to you, will use his gunpowder and break into your cell. You’ll talk to him, when the chancellor comes and begs for Professor Cid’s help to stop the crystal from shattering. He agrees, and you are set free. Now you can go back to the town, and stock up on anything you might need, and you will need new weapons and armor. Buy new stuff, and level up if need be, and then head to the fire ship.

13- Save the Fire Crystal!

Ok, your at the Fire Ship. This isn’t too hard of a place, it’s pretty straight forward. Watch out for the cool dust enemies though, they can use flash which will blind your party. Make sure you have some eye drops, and also get a blue mage to learn the flash spell. After you make your way through the maze, you’ll see Queen Karnak. Although, she isn’t quite herself. She summons a fire monster to fight you, and of course, it’s boss time!

Boss: Liquid Flame

Recommended Level: 14, Weakness: Ice, Item Won: Fire Rod or Fire Skill

Boss Stats: ??

OK. This is kinda a tough one, unless you play it right. Have someone in your party have Black Magic, so they can cast Ice2. Also, have someone who can Summon Shiva. Also, I suggest a Sorcerer who can cast Ice2 on his/her weapon. And of course, you’ll want someone who can heal. If you have this, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with this boss.

After the boss is defeated, the engine will be destroyed, and you can make your way back into the crystal room. However, the crystal does shatter, but you do escape in time. But what about the shards?? Never mind those for now, you need to escape the castle!