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FF6 Character Skills

Skills List

This list will tell you all of the skills that the characters in Final Fantasy 6 have. Once again, we thank the Complete Final Fantasy Forbidden Game Secrets copyrighted to Prima for helping us make this list.


Morph- Terra has the ability to Morph into an esper during battle. She can't do this however until you bring her the Esper Maduin, her father from the Magitek Research Facility. While she is an esper, all of her stats increase, but this lasts for only a short period of time.


Steal- Locke has the ability to steal items or weapons from enemies. However, when you start the game, his sucess rate is very low. If you equip him with the Sneak Ring Relic, his chance of Stealing will increase. Also, if you give him the Thief Glove, his steal command will change into "capture". Also, he will occationally use capture is you equip him with the Thief Knife.


Tools- Edgar has 8 tools that he uses during battle:

1. Autocrossbow- Edgar takes out a crossbow hitting all enemies.

2. Noiseblaster- Edgar takes out a noise machine and confuses some enemies

3. Bio Blaster- Edgar sprays poison gas onto all enemies, poisoning and donig some damage

4. Flash- Edgar takes out a camera, and emits a bright flash hitting all enemies

5. Drill- Edgar takes out a drill and does heavy damage to 1 enemy.

6. Chainsaw- Edgar takes out a Chainsaw and does massive damage to one enemy, sometimes killing them instantly

7. Debilitator- Edgar will randomly change the weak point of one of your enemies

8. Air Anchor- Edgar takes an anchor that causes enemies to self-destruct if they move.


Blitz- Sabin has the ability to blitz his enemies doing quite a bit of damage.

1. Pummel- (left, right, left) Sabin will pummel 1 enemy only for moderate damage.

2. Aurabolt- (down, left, left) Sabin will shoot a bolt of energy out of his hands on a single enemy

3. Suplex- (X, Y, down, up) Sabin will grab a single enemy and suplex them.

4. Fire Dance- (left, down, down, right, right) Sabin will start to chant and then small Sabin's made out of fire will strike all enemies.

5. Mantra- (R, L, R, L, X, Y) Sabin will chant and the party will regain some of their HP

6. Air Blade- (up, right, right, down, down, left, left) Sabin will throw blades of air at all enemies.

7. Spiraler- (R, L, X, Y, right, left) Sabin refreshes the party at the expense of himself.

8. Bum Rush- (left, up, up, right, right, down, down, left, left) Sabin will attack a single enemy for heavy damage. This is the best blitz in the game.


Throw- Shadow has the ability to throw items and weapons at enemies. He can throw most of the weapons in the game, plus all kinds of ninja weapons and ninja stars.


SwordTech- Cyan can use powerful attacks with his sword:

1. Dispatch- Cyan leaps in the air and hits a single enemy with a Sword Strike

2. Retort- Cyan protects himself from attacks, and will counterattack if attacked

3. Slash- Cyan will slash an enemies HP by half

4. Quadra Slam- Cyan will slash the enemies 4 times

5. Empowerer- Cyan will drain HP and MP from an enemy

6. Stunner- Cyan hits all enemies, occationally causing them to Stop

7. Quadra Slice- A stronger version of Quadra Slam

8. Cleave- Destroys all monsters with a single swing.


Slots- Setzer spins a slot machine, and different things will happen.

1. Lagomorph- Any 3 nonmatching images will make a small healing spell

2. Chocobop- 3 chocobo's make a flock of chocobo's appear hitting all enemies

3. 7-Flush- 3 sevens takes out the entire enemy party

4. H-Bomb- 3 airships makes an airship appear attacking all the enemies

5. Joker Doom- 2 sevens and a bar scores Joker doom wiping out EVERYONE

6. Mega Flare- 3 birds score a hear based attack

7. Magicite- 3 bars will summon a random esper

8. Flash- 3 blue diamonds makes a burst of light appear attacking all enemies


Runic- Celes will use the power of her blade to absorb all magic casted by the enemy power, and absorb it as MP for herself.


Rage- Gau has the ability to use the power of the monsters. He can only learn his attacks on the veldt by using the leap command that only appears there.


Relm has the ability to sketch her foes and use one of their skills against them. However, I have found that this skill sometimes will mess up my game, forcing me to turn off the game. Use this one sparingly.


Strago is your Blue Mage. He will be able to use skills from monsters he has learned.

Aqua Breath- Water attack

Stone- Confuses enemies

Aero- A blast of wind

Discord- Takes enemies level down by 1/2

Quasar- Breaks defenses

Sour Mouth- Cures Status change

Grand Train- Hits all enemies for a good amount of damage

Condemned- Count down to death

Roulette- An unpredictable attack

Exploder- Heavy Damage

Clean Sweep- Somewhat like Aqua Breath

Rippler- Enemies and party changes status

Blow fish- Hits for 1000 damage

Force Field- Creates Defensive Barrier

Step Mine- Does gradual damage

Pearl Wind- Recovers HP

Big Guard- Combo of Safe and Shell

Pep Up- Refreshes party, but finishes Strago

Reflect- Just like Reflect Date

Revenge- Hits with a blast equal to one he just took

L.3 Muddle- Characters with levels multiples of 3 became confused

L.4 Flare- Characters with levels multiple of 4 are fried

L.5 Doom- Characters with levels multiple of 5 are killed

L.? Pearl- Multiple factor is final digit of characters gold pieces.


Dance-Mog has the ability to Dance to do different things

1. Wind Song(Learn in Grassfields)

2. Forest Suite(Learn in Forests)

3. Desert Aria(Learn in Desert)

4. Love Sonata(Learn in Town)

5. Earth Blues(Learn in Mountains)

6. Water Rondo(Learn in Water)

7. Dusk Requiem(Learn in Caves)

8. Snowman Jazz(Learn in Snow)


Mimic-Gogo has the ability to mimic other characters actions in battle. Also, if you go into Gogo's status screen, you can give Gogo any of the skills in the game your other charatcers have.