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This page was made in honor of Cherif
Fortins birthday on August 19th, 2000. The ladies on
the Cherif Fortin mailing list and the rest of his
fans hope that he and his family have a wonderful day!

Birthday Thoughts
Hope it adds
some special pleasure
To the hours of your day
To know you're being thought of
In the very warmest way...
And when your birthday's over,
Hope that you'll remember, too,
The same warm thoughts as always
Will keep going out to you!
~ Happy Birthday ~

A smile upon your handsome face,
Sets a fan's heart to a rapid pace.
Your charming manner, your humor too,
Is it any wonder we all adore you?
So upon this special day,
We send HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings your way.
A man beyond belief.
On this your special day,
Love, hugs and warmest wishes are sent your way.
Your fans salute you,
Our wishes sincere,
Hope you will have an incredible year.
Have a wonderful day full of joy and delight,
Always remember you are our favorite KNIGHT.
written by a fan especially for you

Famous People Born the same day Cherif was...
Famous Birthdays
The Day in History-August 19th
Horoscope Page for Cherif..
Official Fortin and Sanders Website

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