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Famous People Born the Same Day Cherif Was....

This greeting brings
no timely tips
on how to spend your day,
Just the hope
that it's enjoyable
in every single way...
And when your birthday's over,
may the year that follows, too,
Turn out to be the nicest yet
in every way for you!
~ Happy Birthday ~

John Stamos- August 19, 1963
Adam Arkin- August 19, 1956
John Deacon- August 19, 1951
Tipper Gore- August 19, 1948
Bill Clinton- August 19, 1946
Jill St. John- August 19, 1940
Willie Shoemaker- August 19, 1931
Gene Roddenberry- August 19, 1921
Malcolm Forbes- August 19, 1919
Ogden Nash- August 19, 1902
Orville Wright- August 19, 1871

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