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Win Our Award
Win Our Award

So you think your site is good enough to win our award? Please read the rules to make sure first!

* Site viewers must have a way to contact you so please have an email address or form available on your page.
* Your site must be wrestling related or have a sizable portion of your site dedicated to wrestling. (This includes ALL federations)
* You should have very few broken links and missing pictures.
* Porn (soft or hardcore) will not be accepted.
* You must link the award back to and display it on your site.
* I don't want to see any WrItInG LiKe ThIs .

* This isn't a requirement but it really, really helps if you have a link to us and sign the slambook. It might also help you win a better award also.

You can win one of four awards. The first is the Hardy Girlz Approved award. This one is the easiest and will be given to almost all sites.

The third award is a special award for Hardy Boyz sites which I'm a fan of or that inspire me.

The second is the Award of Excellence or Xtreme Awards. These are for sites that are a little better put together or show more dedication than the average fan site.

The fourth award will be handed out to very few sites. It will go to sites that show dedication, hard work, and to sites that are inspirational or original.

Note: the old form is broken so if you have submitted your site for an award and never received a response please do so again since the old form was not sending me the award submissions.

If you're site meets the above rules then fill out the new form.Or email me with the following:
  • Your name:
  • You site's name:
  • Your url:
  • Your email address:
  • Which award do you deserve to win:

I will choose which award your site wins and of course it will not have the "Void" on it. I should get back to you within a week if you've won an award. If I haven't then most likely you haven't won. Although occasionally things come up and it takes me awhile so do try to be patient.
