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Happiness is a road seldom traveled by the multitides. If you find it, please, don't take it for granted. If you happen to stray from it, don't let the negative obstacles overcome you. Anger and rage only detour you from your final objectives. The future holds nothing but opportunity, And good things happen to good people. I promise." -Matt Hardy

"Always remember to honor these dying human qualities: Respect, Loyalty, and Honesty. Utilizing these qualities and being a good person will take you further in life than anything else will.
Those who forget will be destined to remember. And always remember: Blood is thicker than water."
-Matt Hardy

I'm weird. I still believe that when you do good deeds you get something back in return. That's why I really enjoy helping other guys succeed." -Matt Hardy

"I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me." -Matt Hardy

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." -Matt Hardy

"When you trade magic for fact, there are no trade backs." -Matt Hardy

"Why must we swallow the seeds of stupidity, and fall from grace?" -Matt Hardy

"It's cool to actually be living your dream now and doing something that you thought about as a kid." -Jeff Hardy

"I tell them, 'If you really want to do it. Do it.' If you really want to do something, you can." -Jeff Hardy

"Don't think you can...know you can! You human body is the most impressive tool you'll ever own. Even if you can't control everything, you can always control something. Your body...use it...amuse it...because one day you're gonna lose it." -Jeff Hardy

"Control me....release me....forget about me..." -Jeff Hardy

"I can feel you, without even seeing you." -Jeff Hardy

"One nation...
Thanks to God...
Our nation, if you want it.
Check yourself into the Dreamland Station.
Do whatever you want in the Imagi-Nation."
-Jeff Hardy

"Develop a depression." -Jeff Hardy

"After we're done with you, you ain't never gonna wanna step foot in North Carolina again!!" -Matt Hardy

"I've been wrong before, I could be wrong again." -Jeff Hardy

"Let me fill you in on a few of my beliefs. First of all, I believe that I'll dress the way I want and I'll act the way I want. But most importantly, these fans don't just look at me for my appearance, they love me for what's on the inside." -Jeff Hardy
