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As previously stated, chat is my life. I first started chatting on 9-12-99 when I gained access to a Sega Dreamcast. However I am now finally on a computer. WOOHOO!!!!! I can usually be found in #Bloodlust or #Haven on the Sega chat server. When not on the Sega server I may be found on either SegaRules, Fallen-Angels, or Talk City. I have included Dreamcast accessible links to all 4 servers. I am Luna, Goddess13, or LunaBabyX. Look me up if you are ever there. Kinda sad that all I do is work sleep and chat. Oh well I suppose it keeps me happy in my own little fantasy world and in the long run that is all that matters.

Chat Friendz

Chat Links (Dreamcast accessible)

#Haven on the Sega Server
#Chatzone on SegaRules
#Gothic on TalkCity
#dcfa on Fallen-Angels
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