"My child, please don’t be bitter - or reach for a crutch.
Don’t you know it pains Me - to see you suffer so much?
Remember I know the agony - of giving up my only begotten Son.
I watched Him suffer and die - for the sins of everyone.
Yes, I sacrificed my only Son - for His suffering had to be:
I can’t be angry He suffered and died - for He died to set men free.
I never thought about Myself - or the empty place by my side,
for I was preparing a place in heaven - for all Believers to reside.
So, quit thinking of your loss - for your son it was truly gain;
For he’ll never have a worry - and he’ll never more feel pain.
There’s more happiness here in heaven - than anything on earth could be,
So please forgive Me for calling - you son back home, to Me.
Oh, I’ve waited for so very long - Oh dear child of mine,
for you to call on me - to help you through this time.
Remember My Spirit is with you - if on Him you will call.
He’ll help you through the big trials - He’ll help you through the small.
You asked Me to help you - so this is what I say:
Read My WORD daily - and always remember to Pray.
Attend church with other believers - they’ll give encouragement along the way.
Please trust Me! He’ll be waiting to see you - in Eternity someday."
Mary Katherine Kohl