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Maya playing

Here are a few pictures, I know they aren't great. This is the playing page, soon there will be a page for show pics and such. Keep checking in.

Maya sitting pretty

I enjoy this picture..I think it gives a really nice view of her head. She is such a beauty, isn't she?

Maya and Lance in the Pool

This is Maya and her best friend Lance. Lance is a very nice male red Doberman. He and Maya never go anywhere without each other. A while ago, I bought Maya a kiddo pool to lounge in on hot days. Lance hated water at the time, but now, he gets in there with her. Sheesh.

Maya and Lance playing tug-o-war

This is Maya and Lance playing Tug-o-War. The duck in between them was Lance's teddy when he was Maya's age, and Maya wants her turn at it. Lance is very good about letting her have his toys, and vice-versa, but sometimes, they end up in a Tug-o-war game to end all others!

Run back home!! I think I hear kibble!!

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